Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1667 I Didn't Expect It To Be True

Xia Ruo spent a lot of energy on dealing with Master Cheng with mystical techniques, and went back to her room to rest after dinner.

The next day when she was about to contact Miao Ao, he took the initiative to ask her out.

The two made an appointment in the tea room opened by Xia Ruo's mother. It was safer to talk about things in her private room.

This time it was Xia Ruo who arrived first, and she took out better tea from the fairy magic vine and brewed it.

When Miao Ao arrived, he smelled the fragrance of tea, walked over and sat opposite her.

Taking the teacup Xia Ruo handed over, he blew on it and took a sip, "Do you know why I came to you today?"

Xia Ruo picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly, then raised her head and asked with a smile, "Is Master Cheng dead?"

Miao Ao took a deep breath, "Yes, he died of a heart attack last night."

"Did you do it?" He said with certainty.

Master Cheng died suddenly. The First Star Thief Group was caught off guard and checked him all over, but nothing abnormal was found. The final appraisal result was a heart attack.

This also made the high-level officials who were only one step away from successfully prying open the mouth of the family leader crazy.

"Yes! He has no meaning to live!" Xia Ruo said while playing with the teacup.

Miao Ao took a deep look at her, "Before you said that you could let him die silently, I still didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true."

The so-called ancient medical skills are really not ordinary magic. If Xia Ruo hadn't planted a hidden spell in the main body of the family before, he would have thought that she could cause death accidents at will.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows at him, "When did I stop being serious about what I said?"

Miao Ao choked, "Okay, you are the best!"

He was inexplicably numb to this woman's evil way. If she couldn't do it, he might find it strange instead.

The two drank tea in silence for a while, and Miao Ao said again: "By the way, I asked you out today. Apart from this, I have another important thing to tell you."

Xia Ruo was still thinking about how to ask Miao Ao to help, but upon hearing what he said, she asked, "What's the matter? From your appearance, it should be about me."

"Yes! It's about you." Miao Ao nodded: "I received a message this morning that someone spent resources to invite the First Star Bandit Group to arrest you."

"I just don't know why, the other party suddenly canceled the plan two days ago, but the first star bandit group is going to continue to implement it."

Xia Ruo was stunned for a moment, "You mean, the No. 1 star bandit is planning to arrest me recently?"

Miao Ao nodded: "Yes! Although someone deliberately asked them to do it, but in fact they wanted to take the opportunity to catch you, who made you show so much ability in the live broadcast."

"Divination, superb ancient medical skills, synthesis of mutant animal biological materials, and manufacturing of mutant animal biological smart mechs, these are all things that the First Star Thief Group does not have, so I want to capture you and use them for them."

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows: "Can they be so sure that I will be used by them if they arrest me?"

"Some of them torture you in different ways. After all, this kind of snatching is not once or twice. This is how many talents in the first star bandit group headquarters come here." Miao Ao shrugged.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and asked, "When will they act?"

Miao Ao replied: "I've been looking for an opportunity all the time. When you go out alone and the surrounding environment is just right for you to grab it, then act."

Xia Ruo asked again: "Is it someone from the Bio-Mech Research Institute who bribed them to deal with me?"

Miao Ao was not surprised that Xia Ruo could guess.

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