Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1673 Don't Serve

Qiu Hongyi never thought that his daughter, who had always remained aloof from the world, would say such things.

His face was very ugly, "Qiu Shu, don't forget who raised you. This is your attitude towards elders. How about your upbringing?"

Qiu Shu was going to leave immediately, but when she heard this, she turned around and looked at him mockingly, "First of all, my mother married in with a huge dowry, and she paid for my food and clothing since I was a child. Take care, you didn't raise me."

"Secondly, I was born with a mother and no father, so I can only have this attitude."

"You!" Qiu Hongyi was furious.

Who knew that Jiang Yu next to her nodded in agreement, "What Shushu said is that they were all raised by me, and have nothing to do with the Qiu family."

"Jiang Yu, she became such a rebellious character because you indulged her. If this continues, I'll see who would dare to marry her." He was in a hurry, but he didn't expect his wife to sing against him along with his daughter.

Because of this, he couldn't help but think of his gentle and virtuous ex-wife, and his face turned ugly.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Yu didn't know that he thought of that person again. Sure enough, Bai Yueguang and cinnabar mole were the best.

For so many years, she has fed the dog with all her passion and love, but fortunately she has seen it through.

"Why, did you think of your ex-wife again? Since you love her so much and miss her so much, you should guard yourself like a jade! Why do you want to marry me?"

Jiang Yu looked at him mockingly and said, "When you need me, you call me wife, if you don't need it, it's Jiang Yu. You can change your face so fast!"

Qiu Hongyi looked at Jiang Yu in disbelief. What medicine did she take wrongly today? To say such a thing unexpectedly, even if she would protect Qiu Shu's siblings, she would never embarrass him.

This mother and daughter seemed to be lowered by someone, it was unreasonable!

"What are you talking about? You are my wife now, who else can I miss?" He restrained his thoughts and prepared to coax Jiang Yu as usual.

This time Jiang Yu didn't sell his account, "Go away, I won't serve you anymore!"

Then she took Qiu Shu's hand and walked straight towards the gate.

Qiu Shu was also very surprised, what happened to her mother today?

But she didn't ask any more questions, instead she felt a little happy. Although her mother loved and protected them before, she was extremely tolerant towards Qiu Hongyi.

Today was the first time she saw her mother throwing face at Qiu Hongyi, and she felt very happy to see it!

After the mother and daughter disappeared at the gate, Qiu Hongyi realized this and chased them out.

But it was a step too late, and he could only watch helplessly as the shadow of the hover car disappeared. His face was so dark that he couldn't figure out why his wife had become so ignorant.

He picked up the terminal and called Jiang Yu, but was cut off, and when he called again, he was blacklisted.

"Okay, that's a good job, Jiang Yu, don't beg to reconcile with me in the future!" Qiu Hongyi was so angry that his chest heaved for the first time.

It's just that he believes that Jiang Yu loves him very much, and today he was agitated because of Qiu Shu's incident, and he will come back obediently and ask him to forgive him.

The uneasiness that was inexplicably born in my heart disappeared without a trace because of this comforting hint in my heart.

Qiu Shu followed her mother to a manor on the outskirts of the city.

What surprised her even more was that a housekeeper and a servant came forward immediately after getting off the car.

"I've seen Mrs. Ma'am!"

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