Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1674 I've been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger

Qiu Shu had never been to this manor before, and although she had no interest in competing for the Qiu family, she still knew a little about the Qiu family's property.

If such a huge manor belonged to the Qiu family, it would definitely be registered.

Jiang Yu changed her previous gentle appearance, and her demeanor became more like a strong woman, and she dragged Qiu Shu into the room.

After two teleportations, the two came to the most central building here and entered a study room.

Only then did Jiang Yu let go of Qiu Shu's hand, then went to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine, opened it, and poured two glasses.

She was holding a wine glass, with a smile on her lips, and her originally soft and beautiful face gave off a gorgeous feeling at this moment.

"Have a drink!" She handed Qiu Shu a glass of wine, then walked to the main seat of the desk and sat down.

Qiu Shu was at a loss, looking at such a mother, she suddenly felt a little strange, but felt closer.

She walked over to Jiang Yu with a wine glass and sat down, "Mom, can you explain to me?"

Jiang Yu took a sip from the wine glass, smiled lightly and said, "Since I brought you here, I naturally want to explain to you."

She randomly picked up a folder from the desk and handed it to Qiu Shu, "Look at this first!"

Qiu Shu put down her wine glass, took the folder and opened it. When she saw the contents inside, her eyes were full of surprise, and she was even shocked when she saw the back.

After reading the last page, she raised her head sharply, "Mom, have you been buying shares in First Materials all these years?"

Yes, the content of this document is completely unpredictable, because it contains 37% of the shares of First Materials.

And the name of these equity owners is her mother.

According to her father's character, even their biological daughters don't even think about touching a share of equity, how could they give her mother equity.

What's more, although it is said that the first material company is owned by the Qiu family, in fact the Qiu family is just the largest shareholder, holding 51% of the shares.

However, this 51% is not all controlled by her father, the old man split up the shares before his death.

The eldest son, Qiu Hongyi, who is the heir, received 35% of the equity, the other three sons each received 5%, and the daughter received 1%.

Because the founder of First Materials is the ancestor of the Qiu family, the holding of other directors is relatively strict, and no one exceeds 15%.

Therefore, although Qiu Hongyi only owns 35% of the shares, he still holds the majority.

Now her mother suddenly took out a document and told her that she had 37% of the shares in her hand, which was higher than her father who was always proud. She suddenly felt a little unbelievable.

Jiang Yu took a sip of his wine, and then said slowly: "Yes! I have been buying equity all these years, and it just so happened that I got 37% yesterday, surpassing Qiu Hongyi."

"It also means that I can pull him down from the position of chairman at any time." She shook her glass, and she could no longer see the affection and tolerance she had for Qiu Hongyi before.

Qiu Shu is not a fool, she also realized at this time that her mother has always been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Mom, what you did in front of Dad before was all just pretending?" She couldn't help asking.

Jiang Yu laughed out loud, but her voice didn't have much warmth, "It's not a complete set. Before your brother was five years old, I really loved him, and then I slowly started acting."

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