The birth of Yan Huan was a great event for the Yun family, and the old man and wife, Yun Fengyu and his wife, and Yun Fengyu will also be here soon.

The little guy has properly become everyone's little baby.

He is more familiar with people, Xia Xuan, Xia Ruo, the old lady, Xia Hanyue or a beautiful woman, he basically doesn't cry much, but when he is hugged by a male compatriot, he will cry loudly, even his father is no exception.

This made Yan Lingfeng want to spank his son's ass, but he didn't dare.

"You and Ruoruo can have children slowly in the future, and we will have no status after giving birth." Yan Lingfeng and Feng Yan stood in the corner of the room, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Feng Yan also discovered that since Yan Huan was born, her brother-in-law has completely lost her status, and her sister's heart is all on her son.

"I'm still early, don't worry!" Feng Yan sadly found out that he and Xia Ruo were not married yet, and it was still too early to have a baby, and it was even more difficult.

Three days after the little guy was born, many friends came to visit him.

This day Chu Mei also came with a gift.

Since Xia Ruo came back, Chu Mei would often ask her to go out for tea, and Xia Xuan would go with her.

Both of them have the temperament of a queen, their looks are also very gorgeous, and their temperaments are somewhat similar, so although they are a round behind in age, they have become good friends.

Chu Mei stretched out her hand to tease Yan Huan. The little guy also liked this beautiful grandma very much, so he kept spitting bubbles.

"Your son recognizes me as a grandmother." Chu Mei said.

Xia Xuan smiled and said, "Okay! As long as you don't feel like you're being called old, I have no problem!"

Chu Mei looks about thirty years old now, with a charming and gorgeous figure, and a mature charm, so beautiful!

After Xia Xuan found out that she had regained her looks, not only many single old men pursued her, but also many rich young fresh meat fell in love with her, wanting to have a sister-brother relationship.

In this star field, the average life expectancy of people is very high, and those with supernatural powers are even higher. Chu Mei's age is actually not old.

"I don't mind! I want to be a godmother, but I have messed up with you." Chu Mei smiled.

"From now on, you'll be a grandma!" Xia Xuan has a good relationship with Chu Mei now, so she doesn't shy away from speaking, "If you like children, go find a handsome guy and have one."

Chu Mei smiled angrily and said, "I'm not interested. It's such a trouble to give birth to me, so I like yours."

Xia Ruo could tell that Chu Mei was really not interested, "If you don't want to have children, just find a handsome guy to date!"

Chu Mei, who has recovered her appearance, is really beautiful. Xia Ruo will be amazed all the time. It's a pity to be single.

Chu Mei chuckled: "Don't worry, I'm not old and stubborn. When I meet a handsome guy who has feelings, I will naturally have a relationship."

It's just that she will never get married again in this life.

The three of them were talking when the butler knocked on the door and came in.

"Miss, Chairman Shi is here to visit and wants to meet you!"

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, "Shi Fan's father?"

"Yes!" The butler nodded.

Xia Ruo knew why the other party came, and felt a little uncomfortable, "Tell him that I won't make a move, and then disappear!"

"That person came to beg you to save Shi Fan?" Chu Mei suddenly said.

Xia Ruo nodded, she knew that Aunt Chu could bear it very well, and said truthfully: "A few days ago, his mistress came to look for me, but I refused."

"Then let's go and have a look together. It just so happens that I haven't seen that old guy for many years." Chu Mei had a smile on her face, but there was no warmth in her eyes.

Xia Ruo also wanted to see how the man would react when he saw Aunt Chu, so he said without hesitation, "Okay!"

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