Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1688 You are really ugly now

Xia Xuan is confinement, otherwise she wants to join in the fun.

So Xia Ruo went to the living room with Chu Mei on her arm.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw an uncle who looked like he was in his forties sitting. He was handsome with a mature temperament, but his temples were gray.

When the two went in, Shi Hongyan also looked over.

When he saw the bright and incomparable Chu Mei, his eyes shrank, as if time had stopped, and he had returned to the time when they met each other back then, and he was instantly infatuated.

Chu Mei looked at him with a mocking smile on his face, "Am I so good-looking?"

Only then did Shi Hongyan come back to his senses, and said with a wry smile: "You look good, you've always been so good-looking!"

He never thought that Chu Mei would be at Yun's house, otherwise he might not have come today.

It's not that he doesn't want to see him, but he doesn't dare. He's afraid of seeing her eyes that still hate him.

"I know I'm good-looking, but it's not for you!" Queen Chu Mei sat down fancifully.

They haven't seen each other since the divorce last time.

Facing the man she once loved, Chu Mei originally thought that she would still hate or suffer heart-piercing pain, but she didn't. There were not many fluctuations in her heart, and some only had simple disgust.

She only felt that her eyes were lame back then, as Jiang Yu said, who didn't love a scumbag when he was young.

Yes, since Qiu Shu introduced her mother to Xia Ruo, she also met Chu Mei, and the two became best friends because of some experiences.

Jiang Yu also successfully divorced Qiu Hongyi yesterday, and Chu Mei secretly helped, otherwise Qiu Hongyi would have been procrastinating and disagreeing.

Now looking at the still mature and handsome man with white hair, Chu Mei felt disgusted.

Shi Hongyan was not surprised to see Chu Mei's wanton ridicule, because she has always had such a temperament, daring to love, hate, and speak out.

On the contrary, he felt kind, and he could still feel that his heart, which had died long ago, was alive again.

"Are you okay now?" He couldn't help asking.

Chu Mei glanced at him, "You cheating men, why do you always like to ask this question when you see your ex-wife, are we okay, and have something to do with you?"

"Besides, I'm fine. Where there is no you, the air around me is fresh." She was telling the truth.

When she found out that this man was cheating, she felt that the air around her was dirty.

This time Shi Hongyan choked, but it was as if the two were still husband and wife. With a tolerant smile, he said, "You are fine!"

He used to be afraid to see Chu Mei, but now he can't help but sink into it again. After all, this is the only woman he has loved in his life, and he has never let go of her.

He looked at Xia Ruo and said, "Miss Xia, I want to have a few words with Chu Mei alone!"

It means that I want to ask Xia Ruo to avoid it.

Before Xia Ruo answered, Chu Mei said first: "I have nothing to say to you, and Ruoruo doesn't have to avoid it."

"Didn't you come to her with something? Just talk about it!" She said impatiently.

Originally, he wanted to see if Shi Hongyan would regret it, but now he suddenly felt very boring.

Xia Ruo can also see that Dong Shi has no more affection for Aunt Chu, and she looks like she still loves you deeply, she feels disgusted.

"Yeah! What else do you have to say about your cheating ex-husband and my Aunt Chu, don't stain her eyes."

She held Chu's eyebrows, "I don't worry about her being alone in the room with you. What if you become lustful again? After all, you are a repeat offender."

"My Auntie Chu has a lot of people pursuing me now. She doesn't like you, an old bacon." If Xia Ruo hates someone, she won't hide it, and her words are also very poisonous.

Chu Mei felt very comfortable hearing this, and chuckled in agreement: "Yes! Who wants to be in the same room with an expired old bacon like you? Isn't it delicious?"

She looked critically at Shi Hongyan who looked affectionate, "You are so ugly right now!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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