Being ridiculed by Chu Mei like this, Shi Hongyan's expression changed.

He has lived on an ecological star for these years, and he has been depressed because of the divorce, so he hasn't paid much attention to maintenance.

Thinking of wrinkles around his eyes and gray temples, but after Chu Mei regained her appearance, she became even more beautiful.

If they stood together, he would look older than Chu Mei, which made him inexplicably sad.

Thinking of Chu Mei going to find Xiao Xianrou, his heart felt as if it was cut by a knife.

"That incident back then was an accident. I knew I was wrong a long time ago. Can't you forgive me once?" He also ignored Xia Ruo, looking straight at Chu Mei and asking.

At that time, Chu Mei's appearance suddenly became older and older, but his love for her has not changed, but he is also a little tired.

Later, when I was in a bad mood and went out to drink some wine, for some reason, the monk Mingyue got together.

Who knew that Shang Mingyue was pregnant just once, and he asked her to abort her, but that woman secretly ran away and gave birth to the child.

Then the woman came to him with the child, looking at the infant son, his heart softened.

So they secretly kept Shang Mingyue and Shi Fan outside, but Chu Mei found out and made a fuss, and finally forced him to divorce.

And set up the second weapon company to fight him, and he married Shang Mingyue in a fit of anger.

Shang Mingyue was just a pastime for him, Chu Mei was the woman he loved the most since he was a teenager, she was the one who accompanied him through the most difficult times and prosperity, but Chu Mei never saw him again.

He was quite interested in Shi Fan at first, but Shang Mingyue always wanted to secretly convey some petty thoughts to Shi Fan, separating the two mothers and sons, secretly Shi Fan still wanted to find his mother.

Mud can't support the wall, and he has great ambitions. He gradually becomes discouraged. After losing Chumei, it seems that his life has lost a lot of fun.

He was already tired, and the Shi family and Shi Fan's mother and son were still jumping around, so he threw the company directly to Shi Fan and left Central Star.

Chu Mei glanced at him in disgust, "No, I think you are too dirty, and you are still old and ugly!"

She then said to Xia Ruo: "It's really boring, I'll go to Xuanxuan to see the baby first."

Before that, she had been stuck in the previous relationship and marriage and could not get out, but after seeing Shi Hongyan today, she suddenly let go of everything.

Her life is still so long, she shouldn't waste time on scumbags anymore, and because of this, she doesn't bother to watch him perform anymore, she feels a little disgusted.

Seeing that Aunt Chu seemed to be completely freed, Xia Ruo knew that she had let go of it with a more relaxed feeling than before.

It is also good to meet this side today, "Okay! I will come to see you after I finish talking with Dong Shi."

Chu Mei stood up, stepped on high heels and walked towards the door enchantingly.

Seeing that she was going to leave, Shi Hongyan couldn't help standing up and trying to grab her arm, but Xia Ruo stopped him.

"Dong Shi, please don't forget that this is Yun's family. If you have nothing to do, then I won't accompany you!" Xia Ruo said coldly.

Shi Hongyan was stunned for a moment, and could only watch Chu Mei disappear.

He sat down a little dejected, and his whole body seemed to be a little older.

"Miss Xia, I came here today to ask you to help Shi Fan see a doctor, so feel free to ask for the reward."

Although that son can't support the wall, it is still his only blood now, and he can't calm down to ignore it.

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