Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1694 Women are Scary!

The red wine that Xia Ruo brews uses grapes grown in the fairy vines, which are full of aura, so the wine also contains aura and has an endless aftertaste.

"Good wine!"

"As expected of Ruoruo brewed wine, the taste is great!"

"This is the best red wine I've ever had!"

All of Yun Fengyu's friends couldn't help but praise him.

Yun Fengyu also held a cup and sipped slowly, "Of course, I don't even look at whose niece it is."

"Feng Yu, can you change the sentence, Ruoruo's fiancé is still sitting here."

"That's right, you shameless person will use Ruoruo to put gold on your face, are you embarrassed?"

"Why are you embarrassed? Ruoruo is my niece in the first place, you are not envious of her." Yun Fengyu looked like you are just jealous of me.

Not to mention that everyone really envies and hates Yun Fengyu, seeing him like this makes him want to hit someone.

No wonder the old men in the family said that they had itchy hands recently and wanted to beat up old man Yun, and they had the same idea.

Feng Yan smiled and said, "I don't even look at whose daughter-in-law it is!"

"This kid is also thick-skinned, he likes my appetite, come and have a drink!" Yun Fengyu's friends didn't expect Feng Yan to say such a thing, but they like this kind of unconstrained and unpretentious.

Soon Feng Yan became friends with Yun Fengyu's friends, and Yan Lingfeng interjected a few words from time to time, blending in.

In addition to drinking, they gradually talked about business, and then pointed the finger at the First Arms Company, discussing how to play a big ticket.

On the other side, Chu Mei and the others were also drinking and chatting.

Listening to Feng Yan and the male comrades next to him discussing how to reorganize the No. 1 Weapon Company, the smile in Chu Mei's eyes became thicker, and her students did not disappoint her.

"Have a drink!" She raised her glass.

Several other people also toasted.

"Do you have any plans for First Material Company?" Chu Mei asked Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu leaned lazily on the sofa, like a noble Persian cat, "Tomorrow I will go directly to the board of directors and kick Qiu Hongyi out."

"If her brother-in-law doesn't have much interest in First Materials and wants to start his own business, then I'll have to do it myself." She shook her glass and said.

Xia Ruo chuckled at the side: "Brother-in-law is not interested in No. 1 Material Company, but he is very interested in the company's material masters, and he will try to poach as many corners as possible."

The First Material Company and the Qiu family were involved too much, and her brother-in-law would find it troublesome to deal with it, so she might as well take the opportunity to poach some corners.

Jiang Yu nodded: "Understandable, after all, the first material company has been rotten by the Qiu family, and it has to be rectified after taking over, which is troublesome!"

When she asked Yan Lingfeng if he wanted shares, she first talked about the current situation of the Qiu family, but Yan Lingfeng gave up.

She directly gave Yan Lingfeng the information of the company's material master and suppliers, and as long as he had the ability, he would poach corners at will.

"You want to take charge of the First Material Company?" Chu Mei asked.

Jiang Yu shook his head, "No, I will kick Qiu Hongyi out first, and then I will sell all the shares to another director with the most shares and the most ambitions, and let him fight the Qiu family."

"When they're almost done fighting, I'll release some black information about the Qiu family and the First Material Company, and it's almost over!"

She hooked her lips and said with a smile: "Even if the first material company does not collapse at that time, then the number one will have to give way, and it may become the fifth or sixth by then. fell into the mire."

"It seems that you are more ruthless, but I like it!" Chu Mei really admired Jiang Yuna, "I should have learned from you back then."

Back then, she just established the Second Arms Company to compete with that scumbag. Now that she thinks about it, she should have followed Jiang Yu's example and directly joined the First Arms Company, and then let the stone slag man step down and bring the company down.

"..." The gay men who overheard them twitched their mouths. They suddenly realized that women are so scary!

Continue at 13 o'clock~

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