Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1695 Who Has Such Great Skills?

The next day, several shareholders of First Materials requested a general meeting of shareholders.

Qiu Hongyi was very puzzled, what did these people want to do again?

At the general meeting of shareholders, he looked at the two shareholders who had jumped the most recently and asked, "Is there anything important for you to call the general meeting of shareholders?"

"Don't you know, Director Qiu? Someone has acquired 37% of our company's shares and will be in charge of the board of directors today."

The shareholder looked at Qiu Hongyi meaningfully and smiled, "The chairman of the company may not be named Qiu after today!"

Qiu Hongyi's face changed, "You actually joined forces with outsiders to secretly buy shares?"

He didn't doubt what this person said. After all, this was a shareholders' meeting, but he couldn't believe who had such great ability to buy more shares than him.

The shareholder laughed out loud: "Haha, Chairman Qiu's words are too serious. We didn't cooperate with others to buy shares secretly. If we want to have that ability, we will do it ourselves."

"Besides, this is not an outsider. Doesn't Chairman Qiu know who bought the shares?" He then changed the topic.

Qiu Hongyi felt bad, "You mean, I know that person?

He turned his mind around, and went through all the shareholders of the company who might do this in the end, not even the people from the Qiu family.

But I really can't think of who has such great energy.

"Chairman Qiu didn't know, why don't we invite our largest shareholder to come in? Today's shareholders meeting was also called by her." The shareholder said with a smile.

Qiu Hongyi also wanted to see who was stirring up the wind and rain, "Okay! Then invite this major shareholder in."

The shareholder who spoke sent a message through the terminal, and more than half of the shareholders in the room looked optimistic. They obviously knew who the major shareholder was, which made Qiu Hongyi's face even uglier, and the uneasiness in his heart increased.

Soon, the door of the conference room was pushed open by two bodyguards in suits, and then Jiang Yu, who was dressed in a white business suit with a capable demeanor, walked in.

"Jiang Dong!" More than half of the shareholders stood up and greeted Jiang Yu with a smile.

Jiang Yu nodded with a smile, and greeted the people who stood up one by one.

Qiu Hongyi and his son were stunned when they saw Jiang Yu appear.

Qiu Meng couldn't believe that the so-called largest shareholder who appeared out of nowhere was actually his stepmother.

how is this possible? Absolutely impossible, he shook his head in disbelief.

Qiu Hongyi's ability to accept was stronger than him, but he also looked at Jiang Yu with a sense of disbelief, "You hold 37% of the company's shares?"

Jiang Yu walked over and looked directly at Qiu Hongyi, "Yes! Is there any problem?"

"Where did you get so many shares?" This is what Qiu Hongyi couldn't figure out.

Jiang Yu sat down, with a smile on his face: "Of course it was purchased secretly in the past ten years. It seems that Qiu Dong has nothing to do with you, right?"

"However, since I currently have the most shares, you will be Manager Qiu from now on, and I will be Director Jiang!"

She looked around at the shareholders present, and asked with a leisurely smile, "What do you think?"

"Of course, whoever has the most shares will be the chairman. This is a long-established rule. I support Chairman Jiang!" The shareholder who challenged Qiu Hongyi was the first to raise his hand in favor.

More than half of the other shareholders raised their hands, "I also support Jiang Dong!"

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