Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1710 Too good is also a trouble

Xia Ruo watched their faces change several times, and suddenly felt that the itinerary for the next few days would not be too boring.

"By the way, why do you invite me to the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group?" She asked lazily.

The captain took a deep breath, suppressed the aggrieved and anger, "Miss Xia is so capable, so I invite you to be our guest."

"That's right, talents like me, whether it's the central star or the first star bandit group, are scarce."

Xia Ruo sighed: "Everywhere you go, you are too popular, and if you are too good, it is also a trouble!"

"..." The captains had black lines all over their heads. Although what they said was true, can they not be so shameless and say it by themselves?

"Aren't you afraid?" Xia Ruo was so calm that they couldn't calm down.

Xia Ruo took a sip of the fruit juice, "Why are you afraid? I heard that the first star bandits have a lot of technology ahead of the central star. I was thinking before, if I have the opportunity to visit your headquarters sometime."

"Now I have to thank you all for fulfilling it!" She chuckled lightly, the look on her face couldn't be more sincere.

The four captains found out that the brain circuits of mortals and geniuses are never on the same channel.

Only a pervert like Xia Ruo would want to take the initiative to visit their headquarters.

They are completely speechless!

In the next few days, Xia Ruo cooked three meals a day by herself. There was no shortage of meat and vegetables in the space, and she ate them in different ways, which made the four of them feel like they wanted to go crazy.

Smelling the aroma of food and taking nutritional supplements every day, they just want to vomit!

Xia Ruo is still tossing around in different ways every day, sometimes asking them to look for this, and sometimes asking them to look for that, and they are disgusted when they find it.

Later, two people couldn't take it anymore, and they were fierce to Xia Ruo, trying to make her more interesting.

Unexpectedly, Xia Ruo beat them back. Two twelfth-level supernatural beings couldn't beat others with eleventh-level abilities. They felt ashamed when they said it, and burst into tears.

From then on, they stayed away from Xia Ruo if they could, and only prayed to get to the headquarters as soon as possible so that they could hand over the person.

Otherwise, they will definitely be driven crazy by this woman!

A few days later, the spacecraft arrived at a life star at the headquarters of the first star bandit group, and when it was about to enter the planet, the flying saucer drove away from it.

Xia Ruo didn't use her mental power to lock these routes, she turned on the signal device, and Feng Yan and the others followed behind all the time.

The flying saucer wandered around the life star for more than an hour, and then jumped from a space and disappeared.

Then a spaceship modified by Feng Yan, capable of shielding the opponent's detection signal, appeared near the space jump point.

"Boss, are we going to jump along?" Feng Yan asked the person in the cockpit with the microphone placed in front of the desk.

Feng Yan replied: "No need, we will sneak into that life star and wait."


Fan Yue, who was sitting opposite him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why don't we continue to follow?"

Feng Yan also raised his eyebrows, "That jump point is obviously directly entering the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group. We jumped over and were surrounded before we could move. Thank you!"

"..." Fan Yue rolled his eyes, "You know a lot!"

Feng Yan looked at him with a half-smile and asked, "Why aren't you with Big Brother?"

Fan Yue's expression changed, "I don't want to follow that pervert!"

Ever since he was dealt with badly by Yunjing last time, he now feels inexplicably afraid when he sees that pervert. He is a hard-working little prince.

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