Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1711 You are still the first

Feng Yan felt that Fan Yue's brain had never been normal, and there might still be a big gap in communication between humans and alien beasts in the starry sky.

Before he could speak, Fan Yue asked again: "Should we save people first? I know the location of that prisoner star."

"No need for now, let's wait for the news from Xia Xia before we act."

Feng Yan looked at him with deep meaning and said, "You'd better not act on your own or act like a monster, otherwise I will have to send you to Big Brother!"

Fan Yue felt his skin tighten, "You are not a good person either!"

After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly, got up arrogantly and went back to his room, obviously really afraid that Feng Yan would send him to find that pervert.

Seeing this, Feng Yan secretly exclaimed that his uncle is mighty, and that he is a bull who can take care of such a troublesome little prince!

On the other side, the flying saucer passed through the jump point and entered a blue star field.

There are many life stars in the star field, and the distance between them does not seem to be very far.

A layer of atmosphere that can't be seen at a glance wraps the azure star field, and the flying saucer cannot penetrate it.

A force of mechanical exploration landed on the flying saucer, and the captain immediately took out a badge.

After verifying the badge, the atmosphere spontaneously tore a hole and swallowed the flying saucer.

Xia Ruo then felt a teleportation force similar to that of the Yun family coming, and then the entire flying saucer disappeared in place.

When it appears again, it is already above a life star.

"The Ninth Elite Team has completed its mission and returned!" The captain showed an expression of relief and could not wait to report with the communicator.

Soon, a majestic voice came from the communicator, "Bring him out, and I will pick him up personally!"

"Yes, Warmaster!" The captain said respectfully and issued a gift.

After disconnecting the communicator, he turned to look at Xia Ruo and said, "Miss Xia, our headquarters has arrived, and the commander of our battle group will come to greet you in person in a while."

Xia Ruo stood up and smiled: "Then should I feel honored?"

"Of course, you are the first one to let our Warmaster come to pick you up in person." The captain looked proud, obviously admiring that Warmaster.

"Miss Xia, please!" The captain made a very sincere gesture of invitation.

The four of them couldn't help being very excited to finally send this difficult evil star away!

Let someone else try the previous torture.

What they experienced on the flying saucer, they will never tell others, firstly, it is too embarrassing, and secondly, they cannot be the only ones who "enjoy" special treatment, right?

Xia Ruo was wearing a casual outfit, with one hand reaching into her trouser pocket, she got off the flying saucer leisurely.

Then I saw a long passage, and at intervals around it, there would be a soldier in battle uniform standing.

Passing through the passageway, the field of vision opens up, and a relatively large city appears in front of Xia Ruo, which looks much more prosperous than the central star.

At this time, a relatively advanced extended version of the suspension vehicle landed not far away.

The co-pilot got on and off a man in combat uniform, and respectfully opened the rear door.

Then I saw a middle-aged man also wearing a battle uniform and a handsome young man getting out of the car.

Seeing this, the captain introduced Xia Ruo in a low voice, "This is our Commander Jiang, and the other is Fourth Young Master Miao!"

As soon as Xia Ruo heard the introduction, she knew that Fourth Young Master Miao was Miao Ao's elder brother, one of the two.

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