Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1712 It's a bit unreasonable to play cards!

Jiang Zhanshuai and Miao Jun walked over.

Jiang Zhanshuai looked at Xia Ruo, and found that she was not panicked or disturbed at all, but indifferent. There was even curiosity and interest in her eyes, and she couldn't help repositioning. people.

"Miss Xia, hello!" He had a faint smile on his face, but he still looked serious.

Miao Jun also greeted with a smile, "I have admired Miss Xia's name for a long time, and seeing her today, she is indeed better known than meeting her!"

He was also a little surprised by Xia Ruo's performance, which was better than expected, and his appearance was even better than on the screen. No wonder he could attract his cold and arrogant lunatic brother.

But it's more interesting that way.

Xia Ruo nodded and smiled: "Hello, Commander Jiang Zhan! Hello, Fourth Young Master Miao!"

"Miss Xia, please get in the car!" Jiang Zhanshuai said.

Xia Ruo nodded, walked into the car naturally, and took the most comfortable seat in the car.

After Jiang Zhanshuai and Miao Jun got into the car, they could only sit opposite her, and at the same time sighed that Xia Ruo was really self-conscious.

Seeing the hover car disappear, the four captains wished their eyes filled with tears, and they were finally relieved.

"You said, will Zhanshuai and Fourth Young Master Miao be played crazy by Xia Metamorphosis?" One person whispered.

On a small flying saucer, that woman was so capable of tossing around. After arriving at the headquarters, she didn't know how to do it.

The captain glanced at him coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, the boss is also someone you can talk about behind his back?"

"I dare not!" The man immediately admitted his mistake.

The captain said with a cold face: "Let's go, return to the team!"

As he walked, he was also thinking in his heart, wondering if Zhan Shuai and Fourth Young Master Miao would be driven mad by Xia Ruo.

Maybe it shouldn't be?

In the car, Xia Ruo didn't turn her head to look out the window curiously, but leaned lazily on the leather seat, looking leisurely.

"Is there no drink in the car?" She spoke first.

Jiang Zhanshuai and both were stunned for a moment, obviously a little surprised that she would say this.

Miao Jun read all of Xia Ruo's information, and asked with a smile, "Miss Xia, would you like coffee or tea?"

Obviously he had been prepared for a long time.

"I'm a bit tired of drinking tea and coffee on the spaceship. Is there any freshly squeezed juice?" Xia Ruo looked at him with a smile.

Miao Jun's handsome smile froze, what the hell is freshly squeezed juice? How could there be such a thing in his car?

"Sorry, I don't know that Miss Xia likes to drink this. I will prepare it first next time."

Miao Jun opened the refrigerator gracefully, "We have a lot of special juice drinks here, Ms. Xia, why don't you choose one and try it first?"

Xia Ruo swept the open refrigerator, reached out and took out a bottle of juice, opened it and took a sip.

Miao Jun thought she would deliberately complain about the taste of the juice and find fault with it, but who knew she didn't, it's a bit unreasonable to play her cards!

Jiang Zhanshuai didn't care about these details. He looked at Xia Ruo, who was drinking juice leisurely and calmly, and said meaningfully: "Miss Xia, why did we invite you here if you don't ask?"

Xia Ruo asked with a smile as it should, "Isn't it because I'm so good that you want to invite me to be your guest?"

"..." Jiang Zhanshuai choked, this was just a high-sounding excuse, did she believe it?

"Miss Xia is so funny!"

Xia Ruo looked at him suspiciously, "Isn't it? Didn't you invite me to be your guest? Could it be that you want to kidnap me and ask the Yun family for a ransom or something?"

"In this case, it seems that you don't need to talk to me, just go to my grandfather or my father, do you need me to give you your terminal number?"

"Hehe, Miss Xia is really good at joking, of course we invite you to be our guest!" Jiang Zhanshuai's tone was tinged with gritted teeth.

This dead girl is really just as analyzed by the special intelligence team, she is a bit difficult to deal with!

I'm sorry, my stomach hurts when I came here. Fortunately, I bought a special brown sugar and warm water bag a few years ago. It's a little better in the afternoon before I can write. But the speed is so slow that I will finish writing~~Thank you for the reward and Vote dear~~~

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