Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1713 This hasn't been used yet

Xia Ruo was still smiling.

"Then thank you for inviting me to be your guest!"

Xia Ruo looked sideways through the window at the bustling and crowded street below, and soon turned her gaze to Jiang Zhanshuai and the other two.

"Since I'm here as a guest, can I wander around freely?"

Jiang Zhanshuai was asked, but this is the headquarters of the first star bandit group, he didn't think Xia Ruo could make any waves, "Of course, as long as you don't go to some of our forbidden places, Miss Xia can move around freely. "

He didn't want to go around in circles anymore, "In addition to inviting Ms. Xia as a guest this time, our Bio-Mech Research Institute also wants to invite you to be a consultant, so that we can study together and make progress together."

"The director of the research institute has been lamenting that a genius master of mecha manufacturing like Ms. Xia is too buried in the central star. We sincerely invite you here and hope you will consider it."

They knew that the Bio-Mech Research Institute of the Central Star was rejected by Xia Ruo after the invitation was rejected, which caused the supply chain of biological materials to be broken, and was even blocked by families, companies, and warlords related to Xia Ruo. The group is very targeted.

However, they are not going to use strong measures to tie Xia Ruo to the research institute. If she refuses to cooperate, they dare not kill her or torture her to submit.

One reason is that she has a strong temper, and the more you force her, the more likely it will be counterproductive; the second reason is that she is afraid that the Yun family standing behind her will be anxious, which will be very troublesome for them.

But they don't want to give up the research on biological intelligent mechs. The chief mecha manufacturing master at the research institute has made a conclusion that they want to research super-powered mechas and master the manufacturing methods of biological intelligent mechas. It should be of great help to them. very big.

He didn't think Xia Ruo would agree right away, so they planned to use a soft policy.

Xia Ruo loosened her hand holding the juice, and said with a light smile, "Okay! It's the director of your research institute who has the eyes to know gold, not like those idiots in the Central Star Research Institute."

Jiang Zhanshuai was a little confused, "Do you agree?"

Why is it different from what you imagined? They have also prepared several sets of plans for her to agree to, but none of them have been used yet...

"That's right! Where to study mechas is not research. I want to let those idiots in the Central Star Biological Mecha Research Institute know how stupid it would be to suppress and lose a genius maker like me." Xia Ruo said in a tone. He looked a little sharp.

Jiang Zhanshuai and the two understood what she meant as soon as they heard it. This is to use their biological mech research institute to retaliate against the central star's biological mecha research institute and prove themselves?

She is indeed young and vigorous!

However, the promise was so quick that all the plans they studied were invalidated, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

Jiang Zhanshuai also had a feeling that Xia Ruo was nothing more than that.

He smiled and said, "Haha, on behalf of the Institute, I welcome Master Xia to join."

"Thank you!" Xia Ruo held up the drink, and then asked with a smile: "I am also very good at other aspects, such as medicine and medical skills. Don't you invite me to study together?"

"..." Jiang Zhanshuai and the two twitched their mouths, and she actually recommended herself. Could it be that she still wants to stay in their headquarters for a long time?

Although they were not planning to let Xia Ruo leave, and were planning to dig out her heritage in ancient medicine, she acted like she didn't want to leave, and wanted to take the initiative to send it to their door, which made them feel very unfulfilled, as if the initiative had been in her hands. .

Jiang Zhanshuai smiled: "Miss Xia is also a genius in pharmacy and medicine. Our pharmacy research institute and top-level doctors have always wanted to cooperate with you. There are many opportunities."

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