Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1714 You Are the Smartest

The suspension car drove to the busiest main street, where there is the largest hotel in the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group.

Miao Jun looked at Xia Ruo with a smile and said, "Miss Xia, we have arranged a hotel suite for you. If you are not satisfied, we will change it for you."

This time it was Xia Ruo who contributed, so what they did was try to improve her favorability. Living in a hotel would give her a sense of freedom, at least psychologically.

Of course, this hotel is directly controlled by the headquarters, and the freedom given to Xia Ruo is only relative.

"It's good to stay in a hotel!" Xia Ruo could guess their intentions.

After getting off the car, Jiang Zhanshuai had something to leave, and Miao Jun took Xia Ruo into the hotel.

What they arranged for Xia Ruo was the most advanced suite, and there was only one set on the entire top floor.

Not only has the latest equipment, but also has a swimming pool, gym, playground and so on.

Xia Ruo looked around, "I'm quite satisfied!"

"It's good that Miss Xia is satisfied!" Miao Jun had a refined smile on her handsome face, giving off a sense of personability, "There will be a reception tomorrow night, I wonder if Miss Xia is interested in going to have fun together?"

Xia Ruo smiled playfully: "Okay! Let me also see what kind of wine will be like at your side of the Star Thief Group."

"Haha, then shall I pick up Miss Xia tomorrow?" Miao Jun's smile deepened.

"Okay!" Xia Ruo nodded.

"Miss Xia has worked hard all the way, take a good rest today, I won't bother you anymore!" Miao Jun moved forward and retreated slowly.

Xia Ruo nodded and smiled, "Fourth Young Master Miao, go slowly, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!" Miao Jun left the room.

Xia Ruo searched the room with her mental strength, but she did not find any monitoring equipment.

It was already dark at this time, and she walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked outside. If she hadn't been there in person, who would have thought that such a city would be the headquarters of a star thief group, and it was simply a city that never sleeps that was more luxurious than Central Star.

Voice control closed the curtains, Xia Ruo sent a message to Feng Yan that he arrived safely, and went to take a shower first.

After coming out for a while, there was a knock on the door.

Xia Ruo opened the door, only to see a woman in combat uniform standing at the door.

"Hello Miss Xia, I am Jiang Xue, the assistant sent by Jiang Zhanshuai to serve you. You can find me if you have anything."

She smiled and handed a terminal to Xia Ruo, "After entering the headquarters, the terminals outside are unusable. This is a new terminal specially equipped by Si Shao for you."

Xia Ruo took it, "Okay, thank you!"

After closing the door, Xia Ruowo lay on the bed and fiddled with the terminal. Miao Jun had already registered everything for her, and she could log in to the webpage directly.

She checked the internal news of the First Star Thief Group.

The headline is "Miao Qishao Returns Strongly, Takes Over Star Bandit Headquarters Zhili Battle Group Appoints War Commander"

She found that the support rate below is quite high, which shows that Miao Ao is very popular at the headquarters of the first star bandit group.

Of course, there are also many sailors with rhythm, but black and red are also red.

While watching the comments with gusto, a call came in from an unfamiliar terminal number.

Xia Ruo picked it up, "Congratulations on becoming a war commander?"

There was a moment of silence, "How do you know it's me?"

"This terminal was sent by Fourth Young Master Miao. Besides Jiang Zhanshuai and him, I think you are the only one who can know the number in such a short time." Xia Ruo said.

Miao Ao laughed: "You are the only one who is smart!"

"Shall I come to you?" he asked.

Xia Ruo knew what he meant, "No, I'm going to rest, and I have to go to a reception with your fourth brother tomorrow!"

There is no monitoring equipment in the hotel room, but the terminal calls are likely to be intercepted and monitored.

"That's it! Good night then!" Miao Ao is a smart person.

"Good night!"

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