Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1715 Why doesn't he know

After the two hung up the phone, Xia Ruo swiped the terminal and fell asleep.

On the other side, the call records of the two were indeed intercepted, and Miao Jun listened to it.

He dropped the earphones and said with a playful smile, "Tsk tsk, my younger brother has such a soft-spoken side, is this still him?"

A young man stood in front of him and said respectfully: "Fourth Young Master, since Seventh Young Master cares about Xia Ruo so much, can we make a fuss about her?"

"Seventh Young Master suddenly took over as the commander of the Zhili battle group. This is not good news for us!"

Mentioning this, Miao Jun, who was still smiling, turned gloomy and overturned all the things on the table.

"The old man doesn't know what evil it is, Lao Qi has never respected him, and he insists on giving Lao Qi things and rights all the time, isn't he a cheapskate?" His eyes were full of unwillingness.

The young man immediately bowed his head and did not dare to speak. If the fourth son's words reached the leader, he would be in big trouble.

"You bastard! You bastard!" He stood up and smashed a lot of things in the study, and then gradually calmed down, "I don't want to spread the words of today."

"I didn't hear anything!" said the young man hastily.

Miao Jun raised her head, looked at him with red eyes and asked, "Tell me, should I also try Lao Qi's tricks and be more arrogant in front of the old man?"

The young man's scalp was numb, but he couldn't help but said: "Fourth Young Master, Sixth Young Master has tried this before, but he was assigned by the old man to mine in Desolate Star, so..."

He didn't say what he said later, but the meaning was obvious. Only Qi Shao could enjoy this kind of treatment in front of the old man, and it was difficult for others to say.

Miao Jun's face darkened even more, so why didn't he know, just talk.

But if the idiot Lao Liu hadn't tried it, maybe they wouldn't be able to help but try it too.

"Take care of Xia Ruo first, don't let the second brother take advantage of the loopholes." He was completely calm, "People are afraid that they don't have weaknesses, but now the seventh child has weaknesses, it's much easier to handle."

"Fourth Young Master, does Seventh Young Master have a crush on Xia Ruo?" the young man asked.

"Yes, if you don't pay attention, with Lao Qi's dog temper, you will never speak so nicely to anyone."

Miao Jun paused and continued: "Look, he will definitely go to the reception tomorrow."

"Then what should we do?" The young man looked at him cautiously, "Actually, it is in our best interest to win over Seventh Young Master."

Although the fourth young master's uncle is Jiang Zhanshuai, how can it be compared with the war group he belongs to.

"I know, I'm just venting at will!"

Miao Jun returned to her elegant appearance, "Don't do anything now, let's just pay attention to Xia Ruo's favor, and see what the second brother will do."


The next day, breakfast and Chinese food were brought to Xia Ruo from the hotel.

In the afternoon, Jiang Xue came to Xia Ruo and brought someone to help her dress for the reception and choose clothes.

Xia Ruo didn't object, and after putting on her makeup and changing her clothes, Miao Jun also came.

Looking at Xia Ruo, who was wearing a silver trailing dress, charming but not charming, gorgeous but not mediocre, with a noble and elegant aura, his eyes showed a bit of surprise.

There are very few women who can control this silver color, and Xia Ruo is the most suitable one he has ever seen.

"Miss Xia is so beautiful today!" He walked over with a smile.

Xia Ruo nodded and smiled: "Thank you for the compliment!"

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