Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1716 I'm relieved

The car I took this time was changed to another one, but it was still an extended version, but it was more luxurious and expensive than the previous one.

After Xia Ruo got into the car, Miao Jun asked with a smile, "What juice does Miss Xia want to drink?"

"I don't want to drink anything today!" Xia Ruo said.

Miao Jun is not annoyed either, women are just for coaxing, he has a lot of experience.

"Tell me after you want to drink, I have prepared a lot of fresh fruits that are only available here, and I am happy to serve Miss Xia!"

"Okay!" Xia Ruo nodded, looked at him with a smile and said, "Introduce me to the reception tonight, otherwise I'm at a loss, and it would be bad if I lose your face!"

Miao Jun replied: "Tonight's hotel is hosted by the eldest son of the three leaders of the First Star Bandit Group. The guests are all younger generations. The focus is to exchange feelings and have fun together!"

"When we arrive, I will introduce you to the people present one by one!"

Xia Ruo roughly understood, "Okay!"

"Miss Xia, you are quite popular in the central star, and there are many people who know you here, so you don't mind using your real identity to attend tonight?" Miao Jun asked.

Xia Ruo smiled indifferently: "It's available! Anyway, there is nothing shameful about my identity."

"By the way, will you deliberately target the guests from Central Star?" She looked at Ao Jun with a half-smile, "For example, come to show off or something?"

Miao Jun raised her hand, "I can guarantee that I have absolutely no hostility towards Miss Xia, let alone you, you are my most honored guest!"

"That means other people might target me?" Xia Ruocai wouldn't play word tricks with him.

Miao Jun smiled and said, "I can't guarantee this. After all, some people here are more hostile to the central star. Some young ladies and young masters from the top wealthy families have bad tempers."

Then he changed the subject, "But with me here, I won't let Miss Xia be bullied, so don't worry."

This is one of the reasons why he took Xia Ruo to the reception today.

He will not and has not arranged for someone to find fault, but if Xia is so popular in the central star, known as a genius in the mech manufacturing and medical fields, and possesses such mysterious divination abilities, someone will definitely find fault, after all here There are many young masters and ladies who are proud and arrogant.

And he is in charge of settling those who find fault with Xia Ruo, and then just keep brushing her favor.

Xia Ruo laughed softly: "I'm relieved to hear you say that!"

Miao Jun thought to herself, women are indeed women, and they still have to rely on the protection of men.

"I'm still worried that no one will find fault, so show me your power, otherwise it will be boring, as long as someone will find fault, I don't worry!" She added.

Xia Ruo's words made Miao Jun's face stiff, why did this woman play her cards so ignorantly?

Love being picked on? What brain circuit is this?

He didn't know how to answer, "Miss Xia really knows how to joke!"

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "No, I don't like to joke, I'm very serious!"

"It's rare to come to your headquarters, of course I have to have a good time!" She continued with a smile: "I hope the fourth young master doesn't mind!"

"I don't mind, Miss Xia is a distinguished guest, as long as you are happy!" Miao Jun didn't take her words to heart.

This is the headquarters of the No. 1 star bandit group, not the central star. He doesn't believe that Xia Ruo can make a big fuss. If he gets bullied at that time, it's not that he should come forward. Now it's just a nice word!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ I'm in a bad state for the past two days, and the writing is very slow, wait until I feel better and then resume the update at 12 noon, okay~~

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