Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1730 Xia Ruo is really good

The momentum of Miao Ao's whole body is even worse.

"I'm going to take her away now, will you let her go or not?" He said coldly.

Young Master Yao wanted to say, I don't know who the hell is arrogant and domineering.

But he really didn't dare to offend Miao Ao too much, because this guy is the leader's favorite son, if this guy really goes to file a complaint, it will be bad for their Yao family.

"Don't forget what Xia Ruo did today? Seventh Young Master, don't forget, you are a member of the No. 1 Star Bandit Group!" Young Master Yao said unwillingly.

With a cold face, Miao Ao kicked Young Master Yao to the ground, "Today's matter has nothing to do with Xia Ruo, if you don't accept it, go to the old man to complain!"

"Seventh Young Master!" Young Master Yao stood up clutching his belly, with blue veins protruding from his hands, "Are you really going to have trouble with our Yao family because of Xia Ruo?"

"No matter what you are, you are qualified to bargain with me. It's almost the same if you let me come!"

Miao Ao looked disdainful, "Get out! Otherwise, don't blame me for doing it!"

The two stalemate like this, and when Miao Ao was about to run out of patience and was about to use the mecha, Young Master Yao took a few steps back.

His eyes were red with anger, "I will report to the leader what happened today."

Miao Qi is simply deceiving people too much!

"Okay, then you can go to the old man to complain, I'll wait!" Miao Ao sneered.

He stretched out his hand and pulled La Xiaruo's arm, "Let's go, I will help you and Yao's family get the mental damage fee for being scared."

Xia Ruo nodded: "Well, then I'll leave it to you. Those who should be compensated should still be compensated, otherwise I will be easy to bully."

"The same goes for all the injured young masters and ladies. The one who should be compensated should be compensated by Young Master Yao. After all, he is the one who harmed you!" Before she left, she still did not forget to provoke her openly.

"Xia Ruo, don't go too far!" Young Master Yao wanted to eat Xia Ruo right now.

Xia Ruo said casually: "Am I going too far? I just want to remind the victim, lest you want to cover the sky with one hand!"

"Let's go!" Then he nodded to Miao Ao.

The two left a mess, and then left side by side very coolly.

Young Master Yao couldn't help but punched the ground hard, this damned Xia Ruo, he remembered!

"Brother, do you just let her leave like this?" Yao Qingqing was also unwilling.

Young Master Yao raised his head and stared at her sullenly, "If you want to be capable, go and stay!"

He couldn't help feeling angry at this younger sister, if she hadn't wronged her and asked him to fix Xia Ruo, how could he insist on letting her show mecha dance.

Yao Qingqing could feel the anger on her brother, and couldn't help but backed away and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Don't look at her being favored by Yao's family, but the family members will not interfere with his brother's decision on her.

"Send all the injured to the hospital, and I will pay for the medical expenses!" Young Master Yao then ordered his people through gritted teeth.

This time not only his people were injured a lot, but so many mechas were also scrapped, and the entire reception was destroyed. Obviously he was the biggest victim, but now he has to turn around to appease everyone and compensate him. I can't go down, I'm too aggrieved!

It's the first time he has been tricked in such a way in such a big life, Xia Ruo is really good!

Walking out of the venue, Miao Ao's driver had already driven the car to the door. It was more expensive and high-end than Miao Jun's car, and it was also an extended version.

Miao Ao personally opened the door for Xia Ruo, and after she got in, he also got in.

At this time, many people have come out, and they just saw this scene, and they all felt incredible.

They never imagined that one day, for whom the proud and wanton Miao Qishao would pull the car door, Xia Ruo would definitely be the first person.

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