Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1731 You still know how to play

After getting in the car, Xia Ruo took out a bottle of red wine from the space and poured two glasses from the wine glass on the car.

She handed a cup to Miao Ao, "How is my performance today?"

Miao Ao looked helpless, "I was really frightened by you!"

He really didn't expect that Xia Ruo would be so courageous, and directly do such a big thing on the meeting.

Then he changed the subject and said with a smile: "But I just want to say, well done!"

Many people who were injured today usually had a lot of fun with Miao Zheng at the headquarters, and he was not used to seeing them for a long time.

Xia Ruo shook the wine glass, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "But after my trouble, your fiancée might fly away."

Miao Ao gave her a white look, "You think I lack a fiancée?"

"There is someone behind Yao's family, and they still want to use me as a cover in the open, what a beautiful idea!"

He continued: "If you don't make such a fuss today, I can't agree to it."

Xia Ruo heard his subtext, "You mean, behind the Yao family, there are other brothers of yours who support being demons?"

"It looks like it shouldn't be Miao Er and Miao Si." She added.

Miao Ao leisurely took a sip of his wine, "Smart! That's a rat in the gutter, worse than Miao Er and Miao Si. He only likes to play tricks behind his back, so annoying!"

Seeing his annoyed look, Xia Ruo chuckled softly, "I really want to ask, you brothers, don't you hate anything?"

"That's not true!" Miao Ao shrugged.

"Then it will be done!" Xia Ruo thought for a while and asked: "Looking at Young Master Yao's appearance, I'm afraid he won't let it go. I'm going to leave after playing. Will it affect you?"

"I feel that he will really complain to your father!"

Miao Ao curled his lips in disdain, "This is what I'm least afraid of!"

"Have you had a good time today?" He asked with a smile.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "It's okay! I never like to wait for others to show me off, so I will give them one first. After killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, other people must first make a move on me. Weigh it and weigh it, will it be reversed by me!"

She came to Liwei today, and she didn't come here to play with the younger generation.

I believe that after today's incident, these people probably want to stay away when they see her.

Miao Ao couldn't help giving her a thumbs up, "You still know how to play!"

After sending Xia Ruo back to the hotel, Miao Ao went upstairs and sat down before leaving.

On the way to his apartment, he received a call from the chief adjutant asking him to visit the old house.

Miao Ao had already guessed this, and asked the driver to drive over.

When he returned to the old house, no matter whether it was the housekeeper or the servant, they were not generally respectful.

"Seventh Young Master, the master is waiting for you in the study!" The housekeeper stepped forward and said respectfully.

Miao Ao nodded coldly, "Understood!"

He walked slowly to the study room, raised his hand and pushed the door without knocking, and the door opened and walked in.

At this time, a burly, tall and handsome middle-aged man was sitting on the first seat in the study.

This is Miao Kun, one of the best figures in the entire star field, the leader of the first star bandit group.

Besides him, there was a middle-aged man sitting at the front of the lower head, and Young Master Yao was standing behind him.

Miao Zheng and Miao Jun were sitting opposite each other.

No one was surprised when Miao Ao pushed the door open and walked in so carelessly, they were obviously used to his wantonness.

Miao Kun looked up at him, "Come on, sit down first!"

Both Miao Zheng and Miao Jun thought in their hearts that this was indeed the case, and whoever dared to come in without knocking would definitely be punished.

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