Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1734 The reason for being favored

Young Master Yao shivered again when he was stared at by his father.

But I still couldn't hold back my curiosity and asked: "Dad, why does the leader pamper Miao Qi so much when he has so many sons and daughters? Isn't this just to flatter and kill?"

Whose son would imply that Lao Tzu is a bastard? That is Miao Qigan.

Patriarch Yao was silent for a moment before opening his mouth and said: "The leader is the strongest member of the First Star Bandit Group. gone."

"That's just because Miao Ao is special, why dare to confront him?" Young Master Yao asked again.

Patriarch Yao said angrily: "The leader doesn't have the temperament of being abused, do you think it is possible? Don't you know the example of that idiot Liu Shao?"

Only then did Young Master Yao remember that Sixth Young Master was sent to mine because he angered the leader, "Why?"

Patriarch Yao thought for a while and said truthfully: "Because of his mother."

"Before the leader made a fortune, he and Miao Ao's mother were childhood sweethearts and his wife, and accompanied him to create the Star Thief Group."

"Later, due to some incidents, the business of our star cluster had an accident. It was my wife who persuaded my natal family to sell all their assets and supported him through the most difficult period."

"Madam not only persisted, but also rescued the leader who was trapped at that time, which enabled the Star Thief Group to survive the crisis, and took advantage of the situation to swallow several Star Thief Groups that were bigger than us at that time, becoming the number one Star Thief Group. Thieves."

"Because of that rescue, Madam was injured and had to go to the ecological star to recuperate. Our star bandit group is getting stronger and stronger, and the leader has started to play with women like other men. Sometimes it is because of the combination of interests. woman."

"A few years later, my wife recovered from her illness, and the leader returned to the family. The two are still as loving as before, and my wife is pregnant."

"It was supposed to be a happy event, but who knew that the chief's favored little lover was pregnant with a child, so he pretended to be smart and took the initiative to go to his wife to demonstrate."

"Madam just found out that the leader has adopted mistresses. After careful investigation, there are more than one of them. Not only have they raised many concubines, but they have also produced many illegitimate children. In a fit of anger, they want to divorce the leader."

"The leader naturally disagrees. No one thought that Madam would leave a divorce agreement and run away secretly. It will be seven years since she disappeared!"

"The leader has been looking for his wife for seven years, and finally got the news, and finally found his wife and Seventh Young Master on a half-desolate star."

"In order to avoid being traced by the First Star Thief Group, they lived incognito and lived the same life as civilians, which made the leader feel guilty and distressed."

"But I heard that Madam has passed away!" Young Master Yao interjected.

Patriarch Yao seemed to be caught in some memory, and said after a while: "Yes, what is even more unexpected is that the leader's news was leaked out just after he found his wife. He shot two shots and died on the spot!"

"She was originally the woman that the leader really cared about, and the wife that the matchmaker was marrying. Adding this incident, she became a cinnabar mole that will never be erased from the leader's heart."

"Human! Fame and fortune, when you get older, you can't help recalling the past. Those difficult days when your wife accompanied the leader will become very precious and nostalgic."

"Qi Shao was originally the son born to the woman whom the chief loves the most. Before his wife died, he asked the chief to take care of their son. In addition, Qi Shao looks more like his wife, so he became the chief's heart, the most valued and wanted. Make up son."

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