Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1735 This is the smart person

Patriarch Yao looked at Young Master Yao with dark eyes.

"I'm telling you this today, just to let you know that the position of Seventh Young Master in the heart of the leader cannot be surpassed by anyone."

"We old people from the Star Thief Group also received the kindness of Madam back then, and it is even more impossible for us to be unfavorable to Qi Shao. His status cannot be shaken."

"After you get off the car, forget what I just said, and you are not allowed to tell anyone, understand?"

He was also suddenly mentioned by his son, and then he remembered what happened many years ago, and said it out of his mouth.

But this is the biggest regret and pain in the leader's heart, and it is Ni Lin, so he has to warn his son not to go out and talk nonsense.

Young Master Yao didn't expect that this was the reason why the leader tolerated Miao Qi so much, which made sense.

"It's a pity that the lady passed away!" He sighed.

Otherwise, you won't be able to hold it in your hand when you get it back, and the mother of Miao Er and the others is nothing, maybe they will be dismissed directly.

Patriarch Yao laughed: "What do you know, Madam is the real smart person!"

He is a man himself, so he doesn't know about men's pissing nature. His wife was indeed the woman the leader cared about most at the time, but after finding it, as he gets older, maybe those good things that used to be good will eventually be smoothed out by life. .

Will the leader defend his wife as jade? No one is sure, maybe they will cherish it because they have lost it, and stop chasing women, or maybe they will not be able to help finding a new woman after a long time.

Madam knew she couldn't escape, so she took the initiative to die for the leader, and didn't want to come back to face those concubine and illegitimate children, which made her live in the leader's heart forever, irreplaceable.

She knew that she died for her husband, and he would definitely not hurt their son. After Miao Ao was brought back, he would not live a bad life, and even got back what belonged to him.

This is what a smart person would do, and only the madam would have the courage to do so for his son.

Young Master Yao didn't understand, but he didn't dare to ask in detail when he looked at his father's eyes, just curious, "What kind of woman is Madam?"

It must not be easy for the leader to love her deeply and make his father express his appreciation for a woman.

Patriarch Yao's eyes rarely showed a bit of nostalgia, "She is beautiful, generous and intelligent, a very attractive woman, whether it is appearance, temperament, or personality ability, she is very attractive!"

At the gate of Yao's house, the owner of Yao's family warned Young Master Yao: "Okay, you and Qingqing should not go out for a while, not only can't trouble Qi Shao, you can't even seek revenge from Xia Ruo, have you heard that? ?”

Since the leader asked Qi Shao to take Xia Ruo back for dinner, it also represented a kind of recognition.

"Yes, I understand!" Young Master Yao was not really stupid to be chosen as the heir.

On the other side, the father and son of the Yao family left, and the four of the father and son of the Miao family stared blankly in the study.

Miao Kun thought for a while, then found a topic that his son might be interested in and asked with a smile, "Where is Miss Xia? Did you send it back?"

Miao Ao lazily replied: "Yes! She was a little scared today, I sent her back to rest!"

"Just now I forgot to ask Yao's family for the mental injury fee!" He seemed to remember suddenly.

"..." Miao Zheng and Miao Jun twitched the corners of their mouths, Lao Qi was too shameless to say such things.

They didn't see where Xia Ruo was frightened, but they were the ones who were frightened. She bullied all of them, used them as a prestige, and wanted mental damage fees. She was as shameless as Lao Qi.

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