Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1741 What is this for?

After sitting down and drinking tea, Xia Ruo also saw all kinds of dislikes and poisons of Miao Ao towards his father.

As a result, he was so angry that he smashed a teacup.

Miao Ao was so angry with the old man that he felt comfortable in his heart, and he happily led Xia Ruo away with the corners of his lips raised.

Seeing the disappearing figure of his son who was in a good mood, Miao Kun said bitterly, "This brat just came to ask me for a debt. I don't know what evil I did in my previous life, and I owe him."

The butler said: "The young master has such a temper. He likes to bicker with you, but in fact he cares about you."

In fact, Miao Ao has always been vicious towards people he doesn't like, but the housekeeper will definitely whitewash him in front of the leader.

Sure enough, Miao Kun's expression softened a bit, with a helpless tone, "This brat, I'm really eaten to death by their mother and son!"

The butler smiled, but didn't answer this time.

Miao Ao sent Xia Ruo back to the hotel, and she invited him in for coffee.

Playing with the token in his hand, Xia Ruo asked: "With this thing, can I go for a walk in that secret battle group for training?"

Miao Ao chuckled and said, "Except for a forbidden place, with this token, you can go anywhere, and no one dares to stop you."

"You should have one too, right?" Xia Ruo knew that Miao Kun gave her the token for Miao Ao's sake.

Miao Ao nodded: "Yeah!"

"He's not afraid that I'll make a fuss about the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group?" Xia Ruo felt that old man Miao was a little too ambitious.

Miao Ao sneered: "He has been standing on a high place for too long, and he always feels that everything is under control."

Then he gloated and said, "Sometimes he regrets it."

He was really looking forward to seeing how Xia Ruo would bring disaster to the headquarters, it would be perfect if it was a mess!

At that time, he must go to see the old man vomiting blood.

"Young man, you have bad intentions!" Xia Ruo looked at him with a half-smile.

This guy is just afraid of chaos in the world, and he especially likes to see his own family in chaos. His father has such a son, and he doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

However, if she were to take on the role of Miao Ao, Xia Ruo felt that she would be able to do similar things.

Old man Miao indirectly killed the only warm mother in Miao Ao's heart, and forcibly disrupted his peaceful and happy life, so it was only fair for him to disturb the old man's peace and destroy the old man's foundation.

Miao Ao could see that if Xia supported his decision, he would completely restrain his thoughts on her, and be a bosom friend if they met too late.

"I just follow you and play together." He smiled.

After sitting for a while, he left. When he went out, he turned his head and said, "Tomorrow I will also go to the Bio-Mech Research Institute!"

He believes that wherever Xia Ruo goes, there will be a good show to watch.

"Okay, see you tomorrow!"

Early the next morning, Miao Jun personally came to the hotel to pick up Xia Ruo.

He has an eyeliner in the old house, and knows that their old man not only eats with Xia Ruo, but also keeps her for tea. It seems that he likes her quite a lot.

Most importantly, he also heard that the old man gave Xia Ruo the S-level clearance order.

This almost drove him crazy, except for Miao Ao who had an S-level pass in his hand, the rest of their brothers and sisters had an A-level pass.

In the entire headquarters, there is only one SS-level pass order, which is in the hands of the old man, and all places can pass through, and orders can be given directly.

There are ten s-level pass orders, and only seven were issued before, and Xia Ruo got the eighth.

What is the old man doing? Xia Ruo is still a restless master, how can he give such an important thing to someone from the central star.

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