Miao Kun's ability to control the first star bandit group and headquarters is very strong. Miao Jun and others were able to get this news because he deliberately acquiesced to let it out.

The reason why he gave it to Xia Ruo was entirely to make Miao Ao happy, and then bought Xia Ruo by the way, hoping that she could exist as a medium to improve their father-son relationship.

At the same time, he also wants Xia Ruo to know that their side is stronger than the central star, which is his greatest pride.

It is also because of his strong control ability that Xia Ruo is not afraid of causing trouble and feels that he cannot escape from his grasp.

Miao Jun and the others didn't know what the old man was thinking, and all of them were sore when they found out about it.

They fought for so long but failed to get it, but they got it by a woman who just arrived, so they felt unbalanced in their minds.

It's just that they don't have the ability to change the decision made by their own father, so they are all ready to start with Xia Ruo.

Miao Jun not only picked up Xia Ruo personally, but also accompanied her in after arriving at the Institute of Biological Mecha.

The Bio-Mech Research Institute is located in the center of the city that never sleeps. It occupies a relatively large area, surrounded by material companies, parts companies, and bio-genetic institutes. These companies are all under the control of Miao's family.

This is also the biggest advantage of the First Star Bandit Bio-Mech Research Institute over the Central Star Bio-Mech Research Institute.

Although it belongs to the No. 1 Star Thief Group, Miao Kun is directly in charge. There will be no restrictions on providing materials, and the degree of cooperation between them is also very high.

After getting off the car, Miao Jun took Xia Ruo directly to the headquarters of the research institute.

At this time, several people wearing special scientific research personnel's clothing were already sitting in the meeting room.

After seeing the two people coming in, Qi Qi looked over.

Miao Jun led Xia Ruo to the circular desk, and introduced an old man sitting at the top seat to her with a smile.

"This is Master Mir, the director of our Biological Mecha Research Institute, and he is also an SS-level mecha manufacturing master."

"Master Mir, this is Ms. Xia from Central Star, she has agreed to join the research institute!" His attitude towards Mir has a lot of respect.

Mir seems to be a relatively easy-going old man, not as arrogant as those masters of the Central Star Biological Mecha Institute.

He stood up very politely, smiled and shook hands with Xia Ruo, "Miss Xia, you are welcome to join!"

"Thank you, Director!" Xia Ruo also shook hands with him with a smile on her face.

She could tell that this person's easy-going was just a show, and she would only know what his real temperament was after getting in touch with him. It was definitely not like this.

Then Mir personally introduced the other three present to Xia Ruo, all three of them were S-level mecha masters.

The attitude of the three of them towards Xia Ruo was average, neither warm nor cold, just like treating a new colleague who joined the research institute.

Mir showed his interest in Xia Ruo unabashedly, "Miss Xia, I have seen the bio-intelligent mecha you made, and I think it is a breakthrough in the mecha world, I wonder if we can communicate? "

"In this way, I can be sure of your position in our Biological Mecha Research Institute." He had to check Xia Ruo's mecha level first.

It can be seen that this person is more rigorous in his work, Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Okay! Now that I have researched it, there is no need to hide it. I just want to ask you about the technology of biological mechs."

Mir smiled with satisfaction. He doesn't like to waste time going around in circles. Only when everyone is clear about each other's purpose can they communicate better.

"Then follow me to the workshop!" Mir said.

"it is good!"

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