Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1744 It only depends on whether she is sensible or not

Mir was very happy looking at the completed mech construction diagram.

He looked at Xia Ruo with admiration and said, "Xia, you are truly a peerless genius in mechs. I originally thought seven would be enough genius, but I didn't expect you to be as good as that!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Xia Ruo smiled.

Mir thought for a while and said, "I have a new project plan here, and I just need geniuses like you and Qi to join in. How about you being my assistant just like him?"

Don't look at it as an assistant position, but it is definitely hot in the headquarters.

Mir didn't accept students. As an ss-level master of biological mechs, his assistants can often contact him and get his advice, so he is very sought-after, even s-level masters are fighting for it.

So far, Mir only has two assistants, one of whom is Miao Ao, and the other is not here now.

Those three s-level mech masters never expected that Mir would let Xia Ruo directly be his assistant and participate in that new project.

Originally wanted to speak, but was stopped by Mir's eyes.

Xia Ruo knew it well, but they were just using each other, "Okay! This is my honor!"

"It's very late, you and Qi go back to rest first, the project will start in three days, and you will come back then." Mir looked a little tired.

"Okay, you should also pay attention to rest!" The two left together.

After Miao Ao left with Xia Ruo, the door of the workshop closed automatically.

A mecha master couldn't help but said: "Dean, the new project plan is about super mechs. It's unbelievable that Xia Ruo came from the central star. Why did you not only let her participate, but also let her be an assistant? "

Mir's previously gentle face had become extremely indifferent at this time, "So what? She is a genius like Qi. If she joins this project, it will be of great help to me."

"Let her participate in the manufacture of the core. What if she suddenly returns to the central star one day and leaks it?" One person asked worriedly.

Mir's eyes curled his lips coldly, "Go back? Who said she can go back?"

"If the project is successful, it's fine if she stays here forever."

His tone was also cold, "If you don't know the truth and want to leave, then only the dead can keep your mouth shut!"

"However, it's a pity that such a genius died. The old guy in the Institute of Pharmacy has successfully developed a control medicine. If a genius like Xia Ruo is sent to him as a test subject, I believe he will be very satisfied." Interest and madness appeared in his cold eyes again.

The three s-level mecha masters couldn't help but shuddered. They almost forgot that this one and the one from the Institute of Pharmacy were close friends and were equally perverted.

It's just that that person is a well-known perverted lunatic, but this one is very easy-going on the surface and has a good reputation. Only those who have in-depth contact with him know that he is no lighter than that crazy perverted person.

"Okay, go down and prepare well. We will officially start the project in three days. This time we must succeed!" He then waved his hands.

The three of them didn't dare to say any more, and nodded respectfully: "Yes!"

On the other side, as soon as Xia Ruo got into Miao Ao's car, she touched the bracelet on her hand in a special way.

"Is your car safe?" she asked.

Miao Ao was stunned for a moment, and flicked a switch on the car, the whole car suddenly transformed into a small flying saucer.

"This is made by myself, it has been encrypted, and it is very safe!" He said.

Only then did Xia Ruo touch the bracelet again, and then a phantom of a keyboard appeared, on which she entered a series of very complicated codes.

Miao Ao was a little inexplicable at first, but the next scene made his eyes widen.

I saw that a palm-sized projection appeared above the bracelet, which showed the scenes and conversations of the four of them getting along in the workshop after they left.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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