Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1745 Not Excessive

The scene on the projection is synchronized with the workshop, and it can also be opened and viewed later in a saved form.

Miao Ao set the flying saucer to automatic flight mode, looked sideways with Xia Ruo.

After hearing what Mier and the three of them said, the coldness in their eyes deepened.

The three left the workshop, and after Mir went to the bedroom next to the workshop to rest, Xia Ruo turned off the projection.

Miao Ao looked at Xia Ruo firmly and asked, "How did you do it?"

He really couldn't figure out how Xia Ruo left a surveillance camera in Mir's room, and it didn't look like a surveillance camera.

He has been Mir's assistant since he was fifteen years old, and he knows that the other party's workplace is very confidential and has special anti-monitoring electronic equipment. As long as he brings in or releases surveillance-type things, he will call the police.

Xia Ruo didn't hide it either, "This is a wireless monitoring device made by my family Feng Rogue. The monitoring can isolate the detection of other signal sources, so no one will find out."

"Didn't I go to the bathroom once before, and when I came out, I threw the monitoring thing on the top of the workshop. It has an automatic adsorption function."

Miao Ao knew that Feng Yan's skills in black technology were getting better and better, but he really didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"The monitor won't be the same size as dust, right? Otherwise, even if you throw it on the top of the workshop, it will be easy to be found."

Besides, he doesn't think there is monitoring equipment that can reach the size of dust.

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "How could it be so small, about the size of the smallest button."

"The reason why people won't find out is because of its own isolation function, and secondly because I pasted a hidden talisman on it."

"Once this kind of talisman is pasted, it is impossible to see it with the naked eye or with monitoring equipment." It was refined by her father, and the effect is amazing.

She also attached a ray of spiritual power to the talisman, triple insurance.

This is the first time Miao Ao heard about it, "There is such a talisman? Is it also a method of your ancient doctors?"

"No, this is my dad's patent!" She is only good at drawing Feng Shui talismans and the like, not good at refining talisman seals.

"Your father still has such a magical ability!" Miao Ao was very surprised.

Xia Ruo proudly said: "Of course, my dad is the best!"

"..." Seeing him like this, Miao Ao couldn't help but think of the members of the Yun family. They also looked like Xia Ruo's most proud and arrogant, and they were indeed a family.

"It's good not to be discovered!"

Xia Ruo looked at him meaningfully and asked, "Don't you think I've gone too far? This can be regarded as spying on the secrets of the Bio-Mech Research Institute."

At first she was not prepared to do this, but because she was very sensitive to people's emotions, she gradually discovered that Mir's director seemed friendly to her, but he was hiding a kind of malice.

She just set up a monitoring system to see if her judgment was correct, and she could avoid danger based on the other party's performance.

By the way, let's also see how powerful this SS-level master is.

Miao Ao smiled indifferently: "It's not too much, if you can destroy both the Bio-Mech Research Institute and the Pharmacy Research Institute, I will feel better!"

He will never forget the disgusting look Mir gave him when he was eighteen, and even tried to lure him into the abyss.

Fortunately, he had always been prepared, and he was the old man's son. The other party gave up after several unsuccessful attempts. Otherwise, he might have killed the other party in advance.

Therefore, even if Xia Ruo didn't make a move, he was still planning to destroy the Biological Mecha Research Institute and Mir.

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