Xia Ruo is right when she thinks about it, she has already seen Miao Ao's position in the first star bandit group, and she is not ordinary willful.

"Okay, as long as it doesn't implicate you!"

Miao Ao looked at her with a half-smile, "Are you afraid that you will hurt me now?"

"Don't be so heartless as I said." Xia Ruo rolled her eyes.

Miao Ao chuckled lightly: "By the way, we are friends now, right?"

Although at the beginning he also had the purpose of taking advantage of Xia Ruo, but after getting along for such a long time, the earliest thoughts have long since disappeared.

Xia Ruo turned her head and looked at him sincerely, "Of course, I already regard you as a good friend anyway!"

The corners of Miao Ao's lips twitched unconsciously, "Who cares to be your good friend!"

Xia Ruo rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Don't be arrogant, you will die!"

The speed of the flying saucer was very fast, and the prisoner star was not far away. Three hours later, it arrived nearby.

Xia Ruo looked at the communicator and said, "Feng Yan and the others will arrive in about 20 minutes, let's wait."

"Okay!" Putting aside the displeasure at seeing Feng Yan at the beginning, Miao Ao had to admit that that guy is a character.

Twenty minutes later, a spaceship with the logo of the First Star Bandit appeared nearby.

The hatch of the spaceship opened, and Feng Yan drove the mecha out.

Miao Ao opened the hatch and let him in.

Feng Yan put away the mech as soon as he entered the spaceship, and first smiled at Miao Ao: "Long time no see!"

Miao Ao nodded faintly: "Long time no see!"

When Liang Xia and Feng Yan fought against each other in the virtual world mecha, they took him there twice, and he and Feng Yan were barely familiar with each other.

Feng Yan put his hand on Xia Ruo's shoulder from behind, "Have you planned how to save people?"

Xia Ruo leaned on his hand and said: "Miao Ao is in charge of that prisoner star now, we can just go there and pick him up."

"So simple?" Feng Yan was stunned.

Xia Ruo smiled lightly and reached out to pinch his handsome face, "Yes! It's that simple."

"Shall I go with you?" Feng Yan kissed her hand.

Miao Ao is used to the behavior of throwing dog food inadvertently and unconsciously as long as the two are together, "If you want to go, go together!"

"Okay, I'll go!" Feng Yan cherished the time spent with his wife.

"Where's Fan Yue?" Xia Ruo asked Feng Yan.

According to that guy's personality, he should come here with Feng Rogue.

Feng Yan said with a smile: "A few days ago I went to Big Brother's place and threw him to Big Brother!"

That guy was domineering in his battle group, he looked very unpleasant, so I asked my uncle to clean it up.

Xia Ruo couldn't laugh or cry, "Then he's going to be sad!"

Although I don't know how the eldest brother took care of Fan Yue, but that guy seems to be afraid of her brother.

"He deserves it." Feng Yan didn't sympathize with Fan Yue at all.

Miao Ao drove the flying saucer into Prison Planet.

The battle suit Feng Yan was wearing at this time belonged to the No. 1 Star Thief Group, and they often did this when they were fighting against robbery.

Arriving at the Prison Star headquarters, the three of them walked down together.

At this time, the prison chief of Prison Star had already brought people to wait not far away.

Seeing the three of them, he immediately walked up with a smile on his face.

Seeing Miao Ao immediately saluted, and then greeted respectfully: "Meet the Warmaster!"

Prisoner Xing was assigned to the Zhili battle group, and Miao Ao was their top boss, so of course he didn't dare to offend.

It's just that I don't know why this young master came to his prison star suddenly on a whim.

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