Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1748 Do you want to destroy it?

Miao Ao still looked cold and indifferent.

He said coldly: "I'm here to inspect the prison, open the door!"

The prison chief was a little confused, but he didn't dare to disobey, and made a gesture of invitation, "Warmaster please!"

He was also very polite to Xia Ruo and Feng Yan.

The three were walking in front, and he immediately cast a look at the people under him, obviously telling them to check if there was any problem first, and he couldn't make this young master unhappy.

Miao Ao whispered to Xia Ruo and the two: "When you see someone, please tell me!"

"Yeah!" Xia Ruo nodded.

So they walked around the prison layer by layer to check, and Xia Ruo found that there were several types of people locked up here.

Otherwise, he looks vicious and vicious, and there is a lot of evil spirit on his body, which means that he has a lot of lives on his hands.

Or some people who seem lifeless and numb to life should be caught from the outside.

Or there are some women and children who look pitiful.

Those women were dressed in tatters, and there were marks on their bodies, even some children. You don't need to look deeply to know what they have been through.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo couldn't help but wrinkled her brows, and there was a kind of anger in her heart that wanted to destroy this place.

This should be one of the dirty sides that Miao Ao said.

"I beg you, let us go!" Suddenly, a ragged woman threw herself in front of the iron bars, looking at Xia Ruo and the others with a kind of desperate pleading in her eyes.

As soon as she moved, many women and children who were imprisoned couldn't help but rushed over one after another, and even knelt down and begged, "Please, let us go."

Feng Yan's eyes were icy cold, if it wasn't for the wrong timing, he would have struck directly.

Miao Ao looked at the prison chief who seemed to be used to it, "What's the matter with them? They also committed crimes?"

The prison chief originally thought that Miao Ao knew about the situation of Prisoner Xing, but hearing his cold tone, his back suddenly felt a little chilly.

"Most of them were snatched from outside, and many of them were family members of criminals."

"Of course, there are very few people who committed crimes and were sent here."

Miao Ao looked at him coldly and asked, "Why are they locked up here? These women and children don't seem capable of work."

Whether it is the central star or the prisoner star of the first star bandit group, they are actually resource stars. There are a lot of minerals and energy that need to be mined, and the main labor force is the locked-up criminals.

But these women and children don't seem to be criminals at all.

The chief prisoner swallowed, "This!"

He didn't know what kind of temperament this young master was, and whether he would conflict with any aspects, and he was a little afraid to tell the truth.

"Say!" Miao Ao's voice became even colder, "Otherwise, I'll investigate it myself, and you may not be able to bear the consequences."

The head prisoner then bit the bullet and said, "These women and children usually don't have to work, they just need to serve the guards here and some criminals."

Sensing a cold and stern aura emanating from the three of Miao Ao, he hastily added: "I didn't make this, but every prisoner star is like this."

"Those dozens of big prisoner stars, as well as human slaves and other trafficking transactions!" He hurriedly threw the pot away.

Miao Ao squinted his eyes, "So there is still such a situation!"

"Keep watching!" He took Xia Ruo and the two to continue walking.

Put some distance away from the people behind you, and use your spiritual power to bless you. Only three people can hear the voice and ask: "Do you want to destroy it?"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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