Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1756 Completely Unstoppable

Xia Ruo injected spiritual power into the talisman. She moved her hands and feet to pull this talisman and the ones below it.

Soon, a ball of fire appeared from the talisman in her hand, completely burning it to ashes.

About ten minutes later, more than a dozen deafening bangs suddenly sounded in the Kingdom of Night not far away.

Then the whole ground trembled, and the city that never sleeps shook as if it had been shaken by a major earthquake.

At the same time, an alarm sounded in the city that never sleeps.

Miao Ao looked at Xia Ruo: "Is there still time for rescue?"

This formation is too frankly big, making him completely overwhelmed.

Xia Ruo replied: "Don't worry, I put the defensive talisman, it can resist for about half an hour, enough for rescue!"

"Why don't we go down together to save people, so as not to miss innocent people!" She thought for a while and said.

Although she is not the Holy Mother, she really can't do it because she killed innocent people.

Her purpose is mainly to destroy this dirty place, so that those who are tortured can escape.

Miao Ao is indifferent to other people's lives, he simply hates this kind of dirty place.

However, after staying with Xia Ruo for a long time, he was somewhat affected, "Okay, let's get on the mech and go!"


The two got off the suspension car, got on the mecha one after another, and rushed to the Kingdom of Nevernight.

At this time, many people rushed out to escape for their lives, and those who had been on standby in the Zhili battle group also drove their mechs to rescue them.

Xia Ruo let go of her spiritual sense and went to search for those who were left out.

Then he took Miao Ao to rescue, and after the rescue, he handed it over to the people in the battle group to continue the search and rescue.

After saving all the people on the seventeenth floor, Xia Ruo gestured to Miao Ao.

Miao Ao drove the mecha to escape, and the energy of the defensive charms that Xia Ruo had pasted on the eighteenth and seventeenth floors disappeared.

The entire Nightless Kingdom shook again, and countless seawater surged up from below.

A lot of mechas also rushed up to escape at this moment, and waves of powerful energy fighting fluctuations also came out from below.

Xia Ruo and Miao Ao drove the mechs in, and saw the twelfth-level supernatural guards fighting against the eleventh-level and second-level sea mutants that Xia Ruo deliberately lured with spirit grass, and many nobles were affected. casualties.

Xia Ruo didn't care about the deaths and injuries of these people at all, and only felt that they deserved it.

They rescued the person who was captured by the Nightless Kingdom for the nobles to play with, and the two quickly drove away in the mecha.

Then the sea water not only submerged the entire Nightless Kingdom, but also spread towards the surroundings of the Nightless City.

But this is the headquarters, and precautions have been taken against such possible accidents.

Soon a glass cover was raised from the ground, covering the entire Nightless Kingdom. The sea water couldn't beat the glass to fill it up quickly, but it couldn't overflow anymore.

The energy of the battle below also leaked out, and the entire Nightless Kingdom collapsed, and the skull on the facade was swept away by the tail of a twelfth-level mutant beast that drilled out.

Soon, many high-level officials of the first star bandit group appeared nearby.

On a small flying saucer, the five leaders saw the destroyed Nightless Kingdom, and couldn't help but grimace, "How did this happen? Who did this?"

This is the gold-selling cave cornucopia that he spent all his efforts and invested more than half of his financial and material resources in. It was destroyed like this, and he was about to go crazy.

"Check it out, check it out for me, if it's found to be man-made, I'll tear him into pieces!" He stood up and smashed the things around him, roaring and ordering.

"Yes!" His people immediately ran to investigate in fear.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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