Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1757 Might be useful to you

There is a dedicated top-level elite team at the headquarters of the First Star Pirates Group to deal with such emergencies.

Soon a mecha team composed of twelfth-level supernatural beings arrived, and entered the kingdom of night that was swept by the sea, united with the mecha fighters inside, and killed all the marine mutant beasts that appeared.

All the monitoring equipment buried in the seabed was brought out.

Seeing this, Miao Ao and Xia Ruo didn't stay long, and drove away.

Not long after returning to the hotel, Miao Ao's people brought Lu Xu over.

The trauma on Lu Xu's body has been healed. He doesn't know who saved him, so he has been on guard all the time.

After entering the hotel room and seeing Xia Ruo, the tense nerves were instantly relaxed.

"Ruoruo, why is it you?" He looked at Xia Ruo who was sitting leisurely on the sofa in surprise.

Xia Ruo stood up with a smile and said, "Brother Lu, long time no see!"

"Come and sit first!"

Lu Xu walked over to sit down, he asked a little puzzled: "So you saved me! Why are you here?"

Xia Ruo explained with a smile, "The First Star Thief Group invited me to be a guest. It happened that today my friend and I went to the Nightless Kingdom, and saw you in the arena of life and death, so I asked him to bring you out."

"This is Miao Ao, my good friend!" He introduced Miao Ao to Lu Xu.

It wasn't a short time before Lu Xu was arrested. Hearing Miao Ao's name, he was very surprised. He obviously didn't expect the famous Miao Qishao to be Xia Ruo's good friend.

Being able to help her bring herself out, obviously the relationship should be quite good, and she is indeed very powerful.

"Miao Shao, thank you very much!" He put away the surprise in his heart and said to Miao Ao with a smile.

Miao Ao said lightly: "No need, just thank Xia Ruo!

Lu Xu smiled and said, "Ruo Ruo's life-saving grace, I will remember it in my heart."

If there is another life-and-death fight, he will probably die here too.

"Brother Lu, you are being polite!" Xia Ruo asked, "Why are you here?"

Lu Xu sighed and said, "I sent Patriarch Cheng to the first star bandit group, and left after handing over. Who knows, I was arrested not long after I left."

"Patriarch Cheng died suddenly and inexplicably. At first, they suspected that we had tampered with it. They arrested me for interrogation, and found that the other party died of exhaustion, so they let me go."

"But before I went out, I was caught by the five leaders and sent here to be forced to participate in a life-and-death struggle."

This is similar to Xia Ruo's guess. Speaking of which, Lu Xu was also indirectly implicated by her, after all, she was the one who played tricks on Master Cheng.

She took out a pill and handed it to Lu Xu, "Brother Lu, this medicine is more effective for your internal injuries."

Lu Xu was also not polite, and trusted Xia Ruo more, took the pill and swallowed it, "Ruo Ruo, I don't even know how to thank you!"

"We are also friends, Brother Lu doesn't need to have any psychological burden."

Xia Ruo remembered what happened today, thought for a while and said, "I'll ask Miao Ao to send you to leave later, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to get out tomorrow."

Lu Xu also knew that the Evernight Kingdom was destroyed, and he thought it might have something to do with Xia Ruo, "Okay, I'll trouble you again!"

He was almost desperate to be trapped here, and he was still eager to go out to see his family.

The two chatted for a while, and the person arranged by Miao Ao arrived.

Lu Xu stood up, "Then I'll go first, Ruoruo, take care!"

He guessed that Xia Ruo must have something important to do here, so he wisely didn't ask any more questions, and didn't persuade her to leave.

Xia Ruo stood up and wanted to send him to the door, "Brother Lu, take care too!"

Lu Xu stopped at the door, thought for a while and tore off an ordinary-looking necklace around his neck and handed it to Xia Ruo, "This thing may be useful to you!"

Then he didn't say anything, and left quickly.

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