Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1758 Absolutely No Coincidence

After closing the door, Xia Ruo sat back in her original position and studied with the necklace in her hand.

After fiddling with it for a long time, I didn't see anything special about this thing.

Miao Ao is also not good at this aspect, so he took it and looked at it for a while, expressing his incompetence.

Xia Ruo used the bracelet to connect with Feng Yan's terminal.

Feng Yan's figure appeared in the room, he looked at Xia Ruo tenderly and asked: "Honey, what's wrong?"

Contact at this time, his Xia Xia should have something to do.

Xia Ruo picked up the necklace in her hand and shook it, and told about Lu Xu, "There should be something hidden in this necklace, but we can't get it open, can you see if there is a way?"

Feng Yan carefully looked at the necklace in Xia Ruo's hand, and asked her to try several methods.

Not long after, the pendant of the necklace actually opened under Xia Ruo's action, and there was a chip the size of a fingernail shell inside.

"What is this?" Xia Ruo picked up the chip.

This is what Feng Yan is good at, "You insert the chip into the hollow part of the bracelet connector, and I'll try to crack it."

"Okay!" Xia Ruo followed suit.

The two of them terminated the phone first, waiting for Feng Yan to decipher.

In the high-level conference room of the city that never sleeps, besides Miao Kun, there are several high-level people sitting, including five leaders.

Miao Zheng, who had been rescued from the bottom and suffered some injuries, also sat with a sullen face.

Not only he was there, but Miao Jun and Miao Wushao Miao Yu were also there, and they all had shares in the Nightless Kingdom.

Soon, a middle-aged man in a battle suit walked into the meeting room, and put the monitoring and information that the elite team had just obtained from the Kingdom of Nevernight in front of the five leaders.

"Five leaders, are you checking the surveillance now?" He asked respectfully.

The five leaders nodded sullenly: "Look!"

"Have any clues been found?" he continued.

The middle-aged man replied: "It's very strange. We found that the glass in more than a dozen private rooms suddenly exploded one after another, as if they were equipped with special and very powerful energy bombs, but there was no trace of them."

"Besides, the food we usually put in the private room is basically unlikely to attract the twelfth-level mutant beasts, but this time more than twenty suddenly appeared, which shows that it is definitely not a coincidence."

"But professionals in the private room where the explosion occurred have checked several times, and only found some remnants of the aura of king-level supernatural beings, and nothing else!"

The faces of the five leaders turned extremely ugly, "A bunch of trash!"

"Did any king-level supernatural beings go to the Nightless Kingdom in the past two days?" He asked again.

The king-level supernatural powers in the entire headquarters are limited, and they generally know who they are.

The middle-aged man replied: "We have checked carefully, and no king-level supernatural powers have appeared in the Nightless Kingdom in the past week."

"So that's where the investigation gets bogged down."

Miao Zheng recalled the encounter with Miao Ao and Xia Ruo in the Nightless Kingdom, "Review all the monitoring about Xia Ruo and Lao Qi's entry into the Nightless Kingdom."

When he said this, many people present were stunned, "Do you suspect that it's Qi Shao and Xia?"

"Well, otherwise, why are they normal when they don't come to the Nightless Kingdom, and something happens when they come? That Xia Ruo is not a law-abiding master." Although Miao Zheng also felt that this guess might be a bit absurd, he always felt that he was in harmony with him. Those two should be related.

The five chiefs nodded to the middle-aged man, "Call it out and have a look!"

The big boss gave Xia Ruo the S-level pass order, and he paid a little attention to her because of this.

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