The five leaders almost collapsed at this moment.

He stared at Xia Ruo with a look of madness in his eyes, "You are fine, dare to threaten me with Yun Fengyang."

"Then I'll see how he killed my whole family. I'm going to torture you today!" He had had enough.

He didn't believe that the big boss would not be afraid of Yun Fengyang who had already been promoted to the king level, as long as they were prepared in advance, they might be able to kill that bastard here.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he felt.

Xia Ruo saw that the old guy had lost his temper, and said with a smile, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

She knew that it would be impossible to completely threaten the other party with her own father, and her purpose was to provoke and let his father take the blame first.

"Don't use your father to threaten me, I won't take this kind of trick!" The five chiefs patted the table again.

"Bring her in for questioning!" Then he said to the two men in battle suits.

"Yes!" The two walked up to grab Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo stood up without any resistance, and she walked towards the cubicle actively while speaking meaningfully.

"Before, my dad told me some news and evidence, such as whose son the second chief's illegitimate son is; for example, the four chiefs who adopted a more beloved outer room suddenly disappeared, and where did they go; and for example..."

"Oh, if these news are posted on the major websites at the headquarters tonight, I wonder if it will become a hot topic in the headlines."

After doing so much, she just wanted to say these words in public. This is not forced by the five leaders, it's perfect!

The faces of the five leaders changed instantly, how could he fail to understand Xia Ruo's meaning.

This dead girl, no, it was Yun Fengyang, how could she know these secrets?

If these things are exposed, he can imagine that the second and fourth children will definitely not forget about it.

"Wait!" A murderous look flashed across his eyes, "Don't send her in for interrogation, I'll take her back for interrogation myself in a while."

This dead girl is very tricky.

"Are you sure?" Xia Ruo turned around and looked at him with a smile that was not a smile.

The fifth leader is really going crazy, he really hates hearing these three words now, "Little girl, don't be smart, there are some things you can't afford."

"Really? But I don't know myself at all, what should I do?" Xia Ruo shrugged.

"You!" The five chiefs wanted to slap Xia Ruo to death right now, this dead girl was as annoying as her father.

He stood up, "You and I go back, let's talk slowly!"

You can't let the dead girl talk nonsense in public anymore.

Miao Ao said at this moment: "Uncle Wu, Xia Ruo is the person I brought, are you sure you want to take her away?"

"By the way, Xia Ruo is still Grandmaster Karl's assistant. The day after tomorrow, he will participate in the research of a major project at the Bio-Mech Research Institute. You take him away now. If you delay Grandmaster Karl's project, you can take responsibility ?"

He then hooked his lips and said meaningfully: "If I can't send her back to the hotel today, then some paternity test certificates may be placed on the old man's desk tomorrow."

"You're threatening me!" The five leaders looked at Miao Ao angrily.

After Yun Fengyang finished threatening, the dead girl threatened him, and now even Miao Ao threatened him, he suddenly felt very wronged!

Miao Ao nodded calmly: "If you take this as a threat, then count it as me threatening you."

Then he stood up and walked in front of Xia Ruo, "I'll take you back to the hotel, otherwise I won't be able to explain why your father is here!"

"Okay!" Xia Ruo nodded.

The two arrogantly swaggered out of the meeting room in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the five leaders together. Miao Zheng and the others were still reminiscing what Xia Ruo and Miao Ao said. They felt that they had eaten a big melon.

The five leaders slapped the table apart, turned around and walked out of the conference room, obviously not planning to take Xia Ruo back.

He is in a state of confusion now, he is worried that his private feelings will be spread out, and he is also afraid that Yun Fengyang will really come here, if he had known, he would not have called the dead girl over for interrogation.

He is really stealing chickens and losing money now!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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