Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1765 You are better at playing

Xia Ruo and Miao Ao returned to the car.

He looked at Xia Ruo and said, "You are so courageous, aren't you afraid that he will take you away forcibly and kill you?"

In addition to being old perverts, the five leaders are also more ruthless.

Xia Ruo shrugged and smiled: "What's there to be afraid of? He said he wasn't afraid of my dad, but I could see from his face that he was afraid of my dad, so he didn't dare to be true to me. A murderer."

"Besides, if he dares to take me away and lock me up, his black material will be guaranteed to appear in everyone's terminal at the headquarters of the First Star Bandit Group tonight." Her family is not a vegetarian.

Besides, she still has a lot of good things in her hand. Her father has a twelfth-level supernatural power and managed to escape after making a fuss in the city that never sleeps. As his daughter, she still has this ability.

Because she was prepared and retreated, she responded so arrogantly.

Miao Ao laughed: "The big melon you released earlier, everyone here has almost eaten it."

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, "Don't you mean the same?"

"You don't want to see dogs bite dogs?" She asked again.

Who the hell said that the paternity test should be put on the old man's desk?

Miao Ao was speechless, "Okay, you win!"

"That bastard, five chiefs, will die at the hands of a woman sooner or later." He sighed.

Not to mention liking to play with women, but he actually likes cheating or attacking married women. If the second-hand leader and the fourth leader know that they have been cuckolded, their faces must be wonderful.

"Are you still doing the paternity test?" Xia Ruo looked at him with interest.

Miao Ao said solemnly: "Of course we will do it!"

"It's so exciting that a dog eats a dog. You can't miss such a good show." He added.

Xia Ruo knew that Miao Ao would not let go of such an opportunity, "Aren't you afraid that he will come to cause trouble?"

He said with a meaningful smile: "I have Miao Zheng and the others. When the time comes to release the news, it will be enough to divert the trouble to the east. We can also see more dogs biting, so the show will be better."

Xia Ruomiao understood what he meant, and gave him a thumbs up, "Yes, you are better at playing!"

Miao Ao looked at her with a half-smile, "I also learned from you."

Xia Ruo rolled his eyes at him, "Fart!"

She thought for a while and said, "By the way, that five chiefs like to play with other people's outer rooms so much, I don't know if you have ever been cuckolded by him."

"..." Miao Ao wanted to help his forehead, this woman really dared to say it, but he thought he could check it out, "Who knows, she deserves to be cuckolded!"

Back at the hotel, Xia Ruo contacted Feng Yan again.

However, due to the increased inspection of detection equipment around the hotel, the two did not make a video call, but just sent a message.

Feng Yan: Just now, I suddenly discovered that there is a very encrypted hidden file in the chip. If I hadn't tried to decrypt it again, I wouldn't have found it.

Xia Ruo: Did you decipher all the hidden files?

Feng Yan: I have deciphered it, and it has something to do with Miao Ao. I will send it to you.

Xia Ruo: Good!

Soon, Feng Yan sent over the deciphered hidden document.

After reading the content, Xia Ruo was stunned.

Originally wanted to contact Miao Ao, but her terminal was monitored and there was no other way, so I had to wait until tomorrow to meet.

The next day, the two of them were going to take a day off each other, but in the afternoon, Miao Ao received a call from Xia Ruo, asking him to come to the hotel for dinner.

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