Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1774 Head hurts even more

As a result, many high-level members of the first star bandit group sent people to secretly follow Miao Ao's flying saucer, just to prevent Xia Ruo from returning to the central star.

Miao Ao and Xia Ruo didn't care, anyway, they didn't sneak around, so they just followed if they wanted to.

The secret training planet is not far from the jumping point, about half a day's flight away.

There are a lot of monitoring systems installed on the outside of the planet. As soon as the flying saucer is around, mech warriors will appear.

"Who? This is a war base, please stay away!"

Miao Ao said in a cold voice: "We are in charge of patrolling. I am Miao Ao, the commander of the Zhili battle group. Let me go immediately!"

Hearing that it was Miao Ao, the mech fighters were startled, why did this evil star come here?

"Miao Zhanshuai, this is a secret training base. Without a pass order, we have no way to let you go." A captain said bravely.

The hatch of the flying saucer opened, "We have a pass, come up and check."

So the captain could only bite the bullet and get on the flying saucer, and he was relieved after seeing the two S-level clearance orders.

"Both please!"

Miao Ao's flying saucer successfully drove into the planet where the battle group was located.

As soon as he entered the atmosphere, Xia Ruo dispersed his mental power and quickly scanned the entire planet to get a rough idea of ​​how many people there were.

The two got off the flying saucer, and the battle commander stationed here immediately took the initiative to greet them.

This is a middle-aged man with a stern temperament. When he saw Miao Ao, his attitude was not enthusiastic, but he was still polite.

"I don't know what is the purpose of Miao Zhanshuai's visit today?" He turned his eyes on Xia Ruo first, and then looked at Miao Ao and asked.

Miao Ao replied casually: "I'll come over to see how your preparations are going, and when you can leave for that low-level civilized star domain."

"By the way, what's your name?" he asked.

"..." The middle-aged man had black lines all over his head, and this Seventh Young Master was really wanton, "My name is Zong Lian!"

"Why is Miao Zhanshuai suddenly interested in this?" He was a little puzzled.

Miao Ao replied indifferently: "I haven't been to the low-level literary star domain yet, and I suddenly became interested and want to play."

"Zhanshuai Zong has any objections?" He glanced sharply at the other party.

If it was someone else, Zong Lian would never bother to pay attention and just turn around and leave.

But who made this guy the chief's most beloved youngest son, so he could only hold back his temper and say, "Our plans are all arranged by the superiors. If Miao Zhanshuai is interested, I will naturally have no objection."

His meaning is obvious, he can't make the decision, Miao Ao wants to play, as long as the above agrees, he has no objection.

Miao Ao didn't go around in circles, "I'll take a look first, if I think it's suitable and fun, I'll apply to the higher authorities when I get back."

Zong Lian had a headache, "Then what does War Commander Miao want to see? This is a secret war base, and entry and exit are prohibited in many places."

Miao Ao took out two S-level pass orders and waved them in front of Zong Lian's eyes, "Are you sure we can't enter?"

Looking at the token in his hand, Zong Lian knew it was true, his head hurt even more, and the commander-in-chief was also a hindrance, didn't he allow these two evil stars to act recklessly.

But with an S-level pass, he can't stop it, "You two have the pass, so you can watch it at will, do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, we can just look around by ourselves!" Miao Ao refused.

Zong Lian was afraid that these two people would cause trouble, so he was not at ease. After thinking about it, he said: "You are not familiar with this place, I will arrange an assistant to show you around, and I can introduce you by the way."

"Okay!" The two of them didn't object to this point, they didn't come here to sabotage today.

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