Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1775 Do you want to do something?

Zhanshuai Zong's assistant politely brought the two of them into the base.

While walking, give a general introduction to the two of them.

There were three secret locations, and the assistant didn't want to take the two of them in, but they all had tokens, and they all managed to get in in the end.

Of these three places, one is the virus research laboratory, which has researched and produced many gas bombs, etc., which means that the previous virus invasion plan is still continuing.

One is the training place for mutant beasts, many low-level, middle-level and high-level mutant beasts have been caught here for training. It also means that in addition to the virus, they are also planning to bring a large number of mutant beasts to assist in the battle. This plan is also very vicious.

The last place is the armory. Not only are there many A-level and B-level intelligent mechas, but there are also many B-level biological mechas, as well as various large, medium and small heavy and light weapons.

In addition to the three secret locations, Xia Ruo also found that the soldiers in the base were trained with great intensity and strength.

The worst soldiers are all sixth-level supernatural beings who can drive B-level smart mechs.

They are well prepared for the invasion of low-level civilized star domains, and they definitely belong to the elite battle group.

According to Xia Ruo's estimation of the level of combat power below, the invasion of this battle group will not take more than three months to win, which also makes her feel a little heavy.

After visiting the base, Miao Ao, with spiritual blessing, asked in a voice that only Xia Ruo could hear: "Do you need them to give us a copy of the base's information?"

Xia Ruo shook her head and said, "No need, I already know it!"

"Do you want to do something?" Miao Ao continued to ask.

Xia Ruo glared at him angrily, "You think too much!"

"This is not your way of doing things. The combat readiness here is very strong. Even if it is to attack any large group in the east, south, west, and north star regions, it can have a great advantage." Miao Ao reminded.

Xia Ruo rubbed her fingertips and said, "I have an idea, I will go out and talk to you later."

"it is good!"

After the two visited, they didn't stay any longer, and left in a flying saucer.

This also made Zong Lian and the others greatly relieved. They had long heard that these two little ancestors had caused a lot of troubles recently, and they were really afraid that they would suddenly stay in the base and cause trouble.

It seems that he may not be interested in this place, so that's good!

But soon, they realized that they had guessed completely wrong and just wanted to cry!

After leaving the planet where the base is located, Miao Ao asked: "What plans do you have?"

"I found that their mechs and weapons are relatively advanced, and I think it's a pity to destroy them!" Xia Ruo said lazily leaning on the sofa.

Miao Ao raised his eyebrows, "You want to take away these equipment?"

Xia Ruo moved her neck, "I think what you said to Zhan Zhanshuai earlier is feasible!"

Miao Ao reacted immediately, "Do you want to participate directly?"

"That's right! These equipments have to be sent down. They can be properly armed. It's too wasteful to put them here."

Xia Ruo said truthfully: "It just so happens that I am also planning to pass on some of the above technologies, and it is justifiable to be with this battle group."

Seeing the preparations made in the base and the strength of the mech fighters, she suddenly changed her mind.

It is impossible to destroy the first and second aggression plans of the First Star Thief Group every time, so that the problem cannot be solved from the source, and it will always be a hidden danger.

She had a flash of inspiration just now and suddenly felt that in addition to preventing aggression, what they have to do is to arm themselves well, so that they will not be afraid of any aggression and survive in the vast universe for a long time.

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