Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1788 It's really too big for a son

Mi Luo also thanked Miao Ao from the bottom of his heart, otherwise he would never be able to get out of the shadow of that pervert in his life, and he might be tortured to death that day, let alone revenge.

As for Xia Ruo, although Miao Ao didn't mention it, and didn't say anything about her, he just pretended not to know.

But he admired her very much in his heart. After all, he had tried many times to kill Mir, but all failed. Her methods were silent, and even the murderer could not be found in the city that never sleeps.

Miao Ao smiled indifferently: "Helping you is also helping me, so you're welcome."

"I'm not very interested in the rights of the Bio-Mech Research Institute. Let someone take it over secretly. I will cooperate. I want to invest in more advanced research projects on super-powered mechs." Milo knew that Miao Ao character, so I didn't express myself in circles.

If it weren't for Miao Ao's need for the rights of the Bio-Mech Research Institute, which was also the condition for helping him kill Mir, he would never have taken the initiative to fight for it.

Miao Ao knew his heart, "Okay, I will be manipulated secretly, just do what you like!"

"Thank you!" Milo couldn't help but say again.

After that, Miao Ao let the people he installed take over the Bio-Mech Research Institute, and asked them to rush to manufacture a batch of A and B-level biological mechs.

Because there is no way to hide this matter, the higher-ups of the city that never sleeps also know about it.

Some people even brought this matter to the big boss, implying that they don't know why Qi Shao wants a large number of high-level biological mechs.

So that day the housekeeper called Miao Ao and asked him to go back to the old house.

Normally, Miao Ao would not bother to bother, but he happened to use this incident to talk to the old man about intervening in the low-level civilization, so he drove to the old house.

In the office, Miao Kun lovingly poured a cup of tea for Miao Ao, "The tea sent by the central star is indeed quite good. I think you like it too."


Miao Ao picked up the teacup and took a sip, "It's okay."

His habit of drinking tea and coffee was completely brought up by Xia Ruo.

"It's impossible that you just asked me to drink tea today, right?" He didn't like playing the role of a loving father and a filial son with the old man.

Miao Kun laughed out loud, "Your patience is getting worse and worse."

"I heard that you asked the Institute of Biological Mechas to put into production a large number of A-level and B-level biological mechas?" He asked straight to the point.

There is no suspicion or displeasure, after all, in his heart, Miao Ao is his default heir, and the whole city that never sleeps will belong to his son in the future, so making some biological mechs is nothing.

It's just that people kept mentioning it by his side recently, and he also wanted to find an excuse to see his son, so he called people to ask.

Miao Ao looks very similar to his beloved wife, he can't help but want to see more.

"I went to the secret training base set up by the second leader and the others that day. I was very interested in the plan to invade lower civilizations. I wanted to follow along, so I asked the Institute of Biological Mechas to prepare more biological mechas. When the time comes, take it with you to play." Miao Ao said half-truthfully.

Xia Ruo entrusted him to prepare the bio-mecha, so that he could bring it back for use in the low-level civilized star domain in the future.

But this certainly cannot tell him Lao Tzu.

Miao Kun was a little surprised, "Since when did you become interested in this?"

"I haven't been to the low-level cultural star field yet. I want to see what it's like. Xia Ruo also wants to go, and I happen to be with you." Miao Ao knows how to best dispel the old man's doubts.

Sure enough, Miao Kun laughed when he heard the second half of the sentence.

It turned out that he wanted to please girls, so he said how could his cold and arrogant son who didn't care about anything suddenly be interested in low-level literary stars.

Hey, it's really hard for a son to grow up!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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