From Miao Kun's point of view, the low-level civilized star field is very backward in terms of supernatural power and mech combat power, but he is not worried about his son being in danger.

He asked seriously, "Are you sure you want to go?"

Miao Ao nodded: "Yeah!"

Then he changed the subject and said in a very cold voice: "I found out the location of my mother's place back then. picked it up."

Mentioning this, Miao Kun's originally gentle breath was replaced by coldness.

He would not make it easy for the second and fifth children in those years. Now the fifth child would rather die than die, and the second child will soon be reunited with the fifth child.

Originally, he only planned to let his son follow him to play at will, but now he changed his mind.

"I will arrange for you to join that team and appoint a commander. When the time comes, you will also bring more people from the Zhili battle group."

If the son wants to play, he can play bigger, just replace that war group.

The corners of Miao Ao's lips twitched. The old man's temper has not changed over the years, "I think so too. Even if I don't replace it, but destroy that battle group, I will feel very happy."

Miao Kun knew that his son had some psychological problems, and occasionally he wanted to violently destroy the world.

But his son doesn't have to be kind, as long as he's happy, he can play with the trash, and there is no shortage of such a battle group in the city that never sleeps, and it's still the power of the second child.

"Okay, you can come here however you feel happy, just be careful!" Miao Kun's connivance with Miao Ao is almost limitless.

He wanted to put all the compensation for his beloved on his son.

It is precisely because Miao Ao knows Miao Kun's mentality that he finds it ironic that no one is here anymore, so is more compensation useful? Just looking for comfort.

"I know!" He didn't express the thought in his heart.

Miao Kun thought for a while and asked, "Is Mir's death related to Xia Ruo?"

Recently, many people came to him to talk about this, expressly and secretly wanting him to take back the S-level pass in Xia Ruo's hand, and imprison or send Xia Ruo away.

Miao Ao raised his eyebrows, "Do you think Xia Ruo has the ability to kill Mir? Besides, she has no time to commit crimes, and the Lonely Dean is still watching."

From a rational point of view, Miao Kun naturally felt that Xia Ruo was unlikely to have that possibility, and the results also showed that she did not have the time and opportunity to commit the crime.

But after the previous few incidents, he felt inexplicably that Mir's death should have something to do with Xia Ruo.

"Have you participated? I heard that you have completely controlled the Bio-Mech Research Institute." Miao Kun has a high degree of control over the city that never sleeps. Others haven't discovered it yet, but he has already received the news.

Miao Ao didn't want to talk about this topic, "Does it matter?"

"You just know what you're doing in your heart." Seeing his resistance, Miao Kun tactfully didn't ask any more questions, but from this point, it was confirmed that Mir's death should have something to do with Xia Ruo.

That girl was really capable of causing trouble, and he suddenly wondered if his plan to keep her here was right.

But seeing that his son was not as cold as before, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​sending Xia Ruo away.

Forget it, no matter how harmful it can be, is it possible that it can kill Lonely Yu Ye?

If Xia Ruo really can kill Lonely Yudu, then he will definitely not hesitate any longer, and will definitely send him away!

As for killing him, he hadn't thought about it, not because he was reluctant or cherishing his talents, but because he was afraid that his son would be dissatisfied, and the knot in his heart would be even bigger.

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