Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1791 How is this possible?

Although Lonely Yu was not as cautious as Mir, he still agreed.

"Okay, but don't disturb my experiment. If Xia Ruo makes any noise, don't come in." He thought for a while and ordered.

The assistant nodded, "Yes!"

Then he turned around and went out, closing the door of the experiment room thoughtfully.

He wasn't really worried about Lonely Yu's safety.

After all, Xia Ruo is bound now, and the dean's strength is also at the twelfth level, and he still has a lot of poison on his body, so he should be able to protect himself no matter what.

Lonely Yu looked at Xia Ruo who was restrained on the experimental chair, and then went to the operating table to prepare the potion.

About an hour later, he carefully prepared the medicine, and drew in the SS-grade green medicine that the instrument showed was of high purity with a needle.

Then she walked up to Xia Ruo with the needle, rolled her sleeves to the top of her arm, and pressed it with her fingers, ready to poke the needle in.

This is an enhanced version of the control potion that he prepared with very precious SS-grade medicinal materials. It must be superimposed on top of the effect of No. 3 potion.

It's just that he didn't tell anyone, but took this as his trump card.

Of course, if the experiment on Xia Ruo is successful, he will announce it privately, and then catch some geniuses with SS-level mental power to come back and continue the experiment.

There was excitement on his face and eyes, but just as the needle was about to pierce Xia Ruo's arm, she suddenly opened her eyes and blew at Lonely Yu.

A puff of blue smoke was blown out of her mouth, which also stopped Lonely Yu from pushing the needle.

Lonely Yu didn't expect Xia Ruo to wake up at all, just when he was about to move, he felt dizzy for a while, and then fell to the ground uncontrollably.

He wasn't in a coma, and he soon came to his senses, but he couldn't move his whole body.

He wanted to shout, but he couldn't even open his mouth, so he could only stare at Xia Ruo with wide eyes and anger.

Xia Ruo hooked her lips, "This is the potion you refined yourself, does it feel alright?"

The old guy drugged her in the wine, she found out right away when she smelled it, and she just drank it as a plan.

But when drinking, he used spiritual power to completely cover the wine, separated the toxin and refined it into smoke, just for this purpose.

Suddenly, Lonely Yu's spiritual power condensed into a sharp knife and attacked Xia Ruo straight.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, "It's not bad, the mental power can be transformed!"

Then her mental power transformed into a palm, and instantly slapped away the sharp knife of the lonely spiritual power.

Lonely Yu widened his eyes in disbelief, how is this possible? How could this dead girl have such strong mental strength?

Xia Ruo's spiritual palm did not disappear, but landed on the console not far away, and soon the handcuffs and shackles that bound her were released automatically.

She stood up and moved her wrist, looked at Lonely Yu and said with a smile: "I forgot to tell you before, my mental power has actually surpassed the SS level, probably at the SS level."

After her spiritual knowledge and spiritual power were fused, her mental power was extremely powerful.

After practicing the Xu family's mysterious technique, it also greatly improved the spiritual power, so he broke the SS-level barrier before coming to the city that never sleeps.

It's not just her, she discovered that the spiritual power of her father and elder brother also broke through the highest SS-level limit of the star field theory.

Lonely Yu's mental strength is very strong, definitely at the peak of SS rank, but it happens that she can restrain herself.

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