Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1792 It's over!

Xia Ruo squatted down and took the syringe from Lonely Yu's hand.

"So the thing you configured is useless to me."

Although it is impossible to play a controlling role, but this is an SS-level potion, and it will damage her body, so she won't tell the old guy about this.

She then reached out and rolled up the sleeves of Lonely Yu's arm, "You like to use these medicines without any humanitarianism to control people so much, have you ever thought that one day you will use them on yourself?"

Lonely Yu's pupils shrank, and his eyes widened with resistance.

He never thought that Xia Ruo had pretended to be dizzy before, and wanted to use the potion he had researched to deal with him.

This thing was configured by him, so he naturally knew what the consequences would be after injecting it.

If the medicine is successful, he will be controlled by Xia Ruo. If it fails, he will have huge side effects like the failed experimental subjects locked up in other experimental rooms.

Either way, he doesn't want to.

It's a pity that he wanted to talk and negotiate, but he couldn't speak. He could only watch Xia Ruo push the green potion into his arm little by little.

Looking at the needle tube that was about to be emptied, he had only one thought at this moment, it's over!

He really regretted that he underestimated Xia Ruo before, so he lowered his guard, otherwise he would never experiment on her alone in the experiment room, but let the assistant and others guard him.

After Xia Ruo finished pushing, she didn't throw away the syringe, but put it in the space.

She intentionally left two drops in the syringe, and was going to take it back for her dad and the others to study.

She ignored the lonely Yu who was gradually falling into a true coma, but collected and scraped in the experiment room, and put away all the completed and unfinished potions, and the ingredients were the same.

This is Lonely Yu's real workplace, Xia Ruo went to the console and copied all the files inside and transferred them to Feng Yan.

There are a lot of files that cannot be opened and need to be decrypted. Although she can't open it, she believes that her family's rogue can handle it.

After copying, she took out a disk from the space, inserted it into the console, and soon the virus eroded it, destroying all the files and contents inside.

In this way, other pharmacy masters in the pharmacy research institute will not be able to make these harmful potions again.

After doing this, she didn't go out, but seeing that the time was almost up, she pretended to scream a few times so that people outside could hear her, and gradually lost all her defenses.

The lonely Yu on the ground also reacted, his whole body twitched continuously, and then his body began to deform, with a big lump protruding from the bones on his back, and protruding bones on his face, hands and feet, looking like a ghost or a ghost.

This was a side effect of the medicine, which caused his gene mutation.

Seeing this result, Xia Ruo was not disappointed, as she expected.

After all, Lonely Yu is a peak SS-level mental power, and a twelfth-level superhuman cannot control him unless the potion is improved.

But letting him eat his own fruit is also the best result.

Afraid that Lonely Yu would wake up after the effect of the medicine wore off, she gave him another SS-grade tranquilizer, which was given by her father, and kept him in a coma for a few more hours.

After doing this, Xia Ruo pasted an invisibility talisman on herself, then gently opened the door of the laboratory and squeezed out.

The people guarding the door naturally found out. Seeing that the door was partially opened and then closed again, they guessed that the dean thought it up and changed his mind again, so they didn't take it to heart.

Xia Ruo didn't deal with them either, she knew that the corridor was full of surveillance cameras.

Then she walked to another corridor, went to the experimental room she saw before, and opened the door to go in. Using the recording function on the bracelet, she recorded all the scenes inside, and then sent it to Feng Yan.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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