Yun Fengyang's goal has never been to participate in the war, but to restrain and covertly protect the teams of the four major alliance countries.

Hearing what he said, the second leader was relieved, and he didn't like this bastard participating in the war.

He sneered in his heart, and let Lei Hu try to see if he could cripple Yun Fengyang when the time came, and this guy would not have the right to be arrogant in the future.

"Okay, you really don't need Yun Dong to start a war against a low-level civilized star domain, so you can rest on the battleship first."

The two leaders paused and said, "I will send you the combat readiness and deployment plan in two days, and I hope you can cooperate when the time comes."

Xia Ruo didn't argue with him this time, "Okay!"

The so-called combat readiness plan is definitely not the whole thing, but it doesn't matter if you take a look and understand it.

In the past few days, not only the two leaders are preparing, but the four major alliance countries are also tensely preparing for the war.

Xia Ruo and the others also made a plan and arranged the personnel allocation.

Soon the seven days will come in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that these low-level civilized star field natives were so ignorant, the two leaders chose to start the war without hesitation.

His support team will arrive in three days, and he is fully confident that he will take this place.

This time Feng Yan and Xia Ruo did not separate, they followed the team that started the war against the Federation.

Yun Jing went to the team of Wisteria Empire, Yan Lingfeng went to the team of Silver Dragon Empire, Fan Yue and Miao Ao went to the team of Starry Sky Beast Alliance.

Each of their teams carried a talisman behind them, which was Yun Fengyang's transformed avatar.

The people of the second leader found out that the Federation has the strongest combat power at present, so they allocated more combat power to this battlefield.

Because the affairs of Feng Yan and Xia Ruo were blocked, their spies didn't find out that they originally went up from this low-level civilized star field.

It also shows that there are no spies of the second leader in the upper echelons of the entire alliance. The last wave was cleaned up very cleanly. Now everyone is standing on the road to protect their homeland.

The alliance team has long been fighting in a place far away from the life star.

In order to let the people of the entire star region understand the battle situation, all satellite live broadcasts were turned on.

Now that we already know, whether it is victory or defeat, let everyone bear it together.

Xia Ruo and Feng Yan were on a battleship, and the Flame Wind Squad was still sitting inside.

They arranged for the Yun family's team to follow the second leader's team, and they didn't have to show up for now.

Soon, the battle groups from both sides met.

This time, the leaders of the Federation were Feng Yan and Feng Yi, who appeared in the starry sky in a Class A smart mecha.

"This is the territory of the alliance, trespassers will be killed without mercy!" Feng Yan's voice echoed around through the microphone.

The leader of the second leader is a twelfth-level supernatural being, driving a level-A biological mecha.

He sneered: "Just relying on you to kill without mercy? You are here to make a joke."

There was a lot of laughter from the following mechs, as if this was the funniest joke they had ever heard.

Feng Yan held a flaming sword with a flaming supernatural power in his hand, "It's useless to talk, let's start the war!"

The second leader snorted coldly: "Let's go to war!"

He didn't go up, but arranged for the weaker of their troops to go up first.

Feng Yan's side had an elite team from the very beginning.

Although the Federation's equipment has Xia Ruo's supplies, there is still a certain gap between the combat readiness of the second leader's side.

However, the number is dozens of times that of the second leader's team. They can rely on numbers to win and everyone's determination to protect their homeland.

Continue at 19:10~

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