Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1819 There is no other way

The mecha fighters on both sides quickly handed over.

Xia Ruo and Feng Yan watched from the battleship and sighed in unison.

They found that the mech fighters below were not only far behind in combat readiness, but also in driving skills.

Feng Yan looked at it and said: "It seems that the improvement for them in the future should not only be in terms of equipment, but also need to be trained more in driving mechas."

"At that time, elites can be selected to follow us back to the top, so that it is easy to break through the tenth-level ability. After being thrown into the Flame Wind Team for a period of time, the skill of driving mechas will naturally improve." Xia Ruo found that the mecha fighters below are still Relatively potential.

Under the premise of backward combat preparation and driving skills, they just relied on perseverance to resist tenaciously.

The combat plan here is also more suitable, not one-on-one, but ten-on-one.

With the blessing of the A-level smart mecha obtained by Xia Ruo, although the battle was fierce, the casualties of the Federation were not too serious.

Xia Ruo released her father's clone when the war started.

Every time the Federation's mecha was sunk and fell, and the soldiers' lives were in danger, he would drop the opponent to a place where others could not see, and then use his mental power to transfer to an air battleship that had been prepared long ago.

There is a medical team brought by Xia Ruo, who can provide timely treatment and save lives.

Seeing that the opponent used quantitative tactics, there were casualties on their side. The elite team on the second leader's side no longer hesitated and quickly joined the battle.

Their joining instantly turned the balance of the battle.

Even if there are only a hundred people in the A-level biological mecha team composed of tenth to twelveth-level supernatural beings, they can defeat a hundred with one.

More and more mechas on the Federation's side were sunk and fell, and the losses became more and more serious.

The federal executives and citizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but feel worried.

Feng Yan's hand on the chair tightened, he really wanted to rush out immediately, but now is not a good time.

Xia Ruo put her hand on the back of his hand, "They can resist this battle!"

Feng Yan sighed, "But a lot of blood needs to be shed!"

"There is no way around this, we have to wait for the second leader's support team to arrive before we can take action!" Xia Ruo felt uncomfortable seeing so many people's mechs being sunk.

Although there is her father's transfer, it is inevitable that many mecha fighters will be seriously injured.

But this is war, even if they join the war immediately, it is impossible to guarantee that no one will die.

"I see a higher level of cohesion in them!" she laments.

Feng Yan nodded: "Yes!"

Sure enough, on this day, the mecha team of the second leader and others did not break through the defense of the Federation's team.

Even though the opponent's mechs were falling all the time, they still stubbornly resisted with blood.

They also had to temporarily cease fighting and rest.

This made the elite team of the second leader very unacceptable. What they thought could be done in one day did not expect to fall into a stalemate.

The people in this low-level civilized star field have a strong sense of resistance, and it's not as simple as they invaded other star fields.

When the opponent sees their equipment and strength, they will resist at first, but after discovering the disparity in strength, they will gradually become desperate and lose their energy, and they will be able to win in a short time.

Fortunately, they saw the same situation on the other three fronts, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

After resting for a day, continue to fight.

The federation added a large number of mech fighters, using crowd tactics to forcibly contain them.

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