Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1904 Really Willful

Qin Zhe heard from the boss that at that time it all depended on what Feng Wei gave him to survive and swallowed the demon flower, otherwise he would have exploded.

From this point of view, Feng Wei is definitely not someone sent by the Huo family, and judging from her strength and ability, she doesn't look like a killer or spy sent by someone else.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Zhuang Yi walked up quickly, "It's fine if you think it's okay."

He was also rather curious about Feng Wei. He always felt that the woman was not simple and knew a lot, so he just continued to communicate.

Soon the three of them arrived at Feng Wei's residence.

Opening the door and seeing Zhuang Yi following behind, Feng Wei raised his eyebrows: "Dr. Zhuang is back so soon?"

It seems that there is a new discovery.

Zhuang Yi smiled: "I have a new mission, so I rushed here."

After entering the door, Huo Xiaoliang consciously sat down next to Feng Wei.

Qin Zhe and Zhuang Yi sat on the sofa opposite them.

Qin Zhe said bluntly to Feng Wei: "The higher-ups have discovered another place where that kind of ore was found in Ming City. It's just that the news has been spread, so we'd better leave immediately."

He has a straight personality, since Feng Wei is recognized by the boss, he will naturally regard him as one of his own.

"He also wants to go together?" Feng Wei asked with his eyes on Zhuang Yi.

Qin Zhe nodded: "Yes, he is considered credible, so let's go together."

Feng Wei didn't have much opinion on Zhuang Yi's following, this person is not simple, he has special abilities, following him is also useful.

"Then how to divide the found ore?" This is what she is more concerned about.

She is not looking for energy stones to get points for doing tasks, but to ask Huo Xiaoliang to help her upgrade, so she can turn on her optical brain and try to contact her parents.

Zhuang Yi is very smart, "Are you also interested in ores?"

He remembered that Feng Wei had no interest in that ore before, and even felt a little disdainful, why does he want it now?

"Suddenly think it's useful and want it, can't you?" Feng Wei raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, if Wei Wei wants it, we'll go find it." Huo Xiaoliang stretched out his hand to hold Feng Wei's hand, with a conniving and firm look.

"..." Zhuang Yi discovered for the first time that Huo Xiaoliang was so unprincipled.

"Then how do you divide it? Team Huo, what do you think?" He stared at Huo Xiaoliang and asked.

Huo Xiaoliang said as a matter of course: "Wei Wei can share as much as Wei Wei says, and I will give Wei Wei my share."

"..." Even Qin Zhe wanted to vomit blood this time.

The second personality of the boss is really capricious. When the normal boss wakes up and finds out, he doesn't know if he will want to smoke himself.

Feng Wei said with a smile: "The distribution is based on per capita, everyone has a share, how about it?"

If she didn't have the character of eating alone.

Qin Zhe first said: "I have no objection."

Anyway, he went with the boss, and the boss gave Feng Wei a share, so let's take his share back to study when the time comes.

Zhuang Yi was speechless, did these two take the wrong medicine today?

However, his main purpose of searching for ore was for research, so he nodded: "Okay, then everyone will have a share."

And he felt that Feng Wei suddenly became interested in ore again, the purpose must not be that simple, he also wanted to see what she was up to.

Qin Zhe thought that his brothers didn't bring them this time, and Zhuang Yi's people didn't need to bring them too. This is for missions and not to enjoy the blessings. "Don't bring your two assistants."

Originally thought that Zhuang Yi would object, but he agreed, "Okay."

Several people reached an agreement, made some preparations, and set off together to leave the base.

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