Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1905 You are not envious

The four of them didn't recruit supernatural beings to join them this time, and only drove a modified off-road vehicle.

Both Zhuang Yi and Feng Wei have space, so food and gasoline are put in their space.

Sitting in the car, Zhuang Yi turned his head to look at Feng Wei and asked, "Is your space also created by spiritual power?"

He himself has mental powers. He felt that Feng Wei had mental power fluctuations before, and he guessed that she also had this power.

Feng Wei replied with a smile: "No, mine is derived from pure spatial ability."

"Then you have a four-line ability?" Zhuang Yi raised his eyebrows.

Feng Wei pursed her lips and smiled: "Guess."

"..." Guess what, Zhuang Yi didn't want to guess at all, he felt very depressed.

In addition to mental powers, he himself also possesses water-type abilities, and people with dual-type abilities are also rare now.

But when compared with Feng Wei, he didn't want to talk anymore.

Qin Zhe, who was driving the car, heard the conversation between the two and almost ran into a tree, "Damn it, Miss Feng, you actually have a four-line?"

Zhuang Yi patted him, "Surprise is surprise, did you almost hit a tree?"

Qin Zhe looked at him speechlessly and said, "It's the same for you."

Feng Wei laughed and said: "Actually, it can only be counted as three elements. Space abilities can only be used in space, and cannot be used for attack and defense."

There's no other way, if you can't expose the space ring, you can only fool around.

"That's awesome, okay? The rarest things now are spiritual power and space power, and you have two of them." Qin Zhe wanted to roll his eyes.

"I can't help it, who made me so talented, you guys can't envy me." Feng Wei said lazily, leaning on the back of the chair.

"..." Both Qin Zhe and Zhuang Yi felt that they could not continue to chat properly.

Only Huo Xiaoliang was very supportive, he tilted his head and smiled and said: "Wei Wei is the best!"

Qin Zhe and Zhuang Yi didn't want to talk, one continued to drive quietly, and the other closed their eyes to rest their minds.

Ming City is located in the northeast of Nanshi base, more than a thousand kilometers away. They are now taking the expressway, and they will encounter some troubles on the road. It is estimated that it will take about two to three days.

After driving out for half a day, I saw that the road ahead was blocked by cars.

Qin Zhe stopped, "This road is blocked, should we take a detour and take the secondary road, or go down and move all the cars?"

It would be very troublesome just to move them away. There is no powerful supernatural being among them who can overturn the cars one by one.

"If you take the second-level route, it may take a lot of time." Zhuang Yi frowned.

"Then we go down and move away?" Qin Zhe said helplessly.

Zhuang Yi also felt a little headache when he saw hundreds of cars stuck in traffic, "Moving the car seems to take a long time, how do we move it?"

None of his abilities are useful.

Qin Zhe shrugged, "I have fire abilities, so I can't burn all these cars."

"Let me try it." Feng Wei also didn't want to waste time and be preempted by others.

"How did you come here? Did you use the wood-type ability to spawn vines to entangle the car and move away?" Zhuang Yi had seen the power of Feng Wei's wood-type ability.

Feng Wei raised his eyebrows: "Why bother."

She opened the car door and walked down, moving her hands. The three people in the car saw the cars in front of them flying up one by one, and then threw them to the side of the road.

There were more than a hundred cars, Feng Wei only took two minutes to remove them all.

Qin Zhe and Zhuang Yi were all dumbfounded, "Can metal abilities be used like this?"

Huo Xiaoliang looked at the two speechlessly and said, "Of course it can, the car's shell is all metal."

Even he understands such a truth, these two people are too ignorant of common sense.

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