Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 192 Xia Ruo is going to be unlucky

Shui Yini went on to gossip.

"I heard that many seniors approached and pursued him on their own initiative last semester, but the male god is very cool, so they don't care about any of them!"

Luo Ning added with a faint smile, "He used to be the same in the Mecha Department, most of the girls in the Department wanted to show their favor, and some of them took the initiative to pursue, but he was very disrespectful, either ignore it, or directly refuse! "

Shui Yini said curiously: "I don't know what kind of girls he is interested in!"

"I don't know, I've been in the same relationship with him for several months, and we haven't said a word!" She admires Feng Yan, but it doesn't have the color of love, and she simply thinks that Feng Yan is powerful and inspirational.

Xia Ruo didn't expect Feng Rogue to have such a popular and cold side, no wonder he is single until now.

She clicked on the school website to take a look, and this time all the comments had been transferred from her to Feng Yan.

"Ahhh! It's so cool to seal the school grass, and enroll in ten elective courses at a time!"

"It's amazing my male god, he is really here to beat people."

"As expected of a school bully school grass male god, he is so handsome!"

"My idol, Xiongqi!"

"The male god has passed all levels properly!"

"That's for sure, the male god has never lost!"

"It's so inspiring. I want to learn from the school grass and apply for a few more courses."

"Aww! I have always wanted to get in touch with the male god, but I didn't have a chance. I have to report a few more ways to strike up a conversation with the male god!"

"Let's go upstairs, the school grass is not something you can strike up a conversation with and covet just by applying for a few more courses!"

"That's right, the school grass is ours!"

Xia Ruo sees a black thread, she enrolls in ten elective courses, she is overthinking and wasting money, she will definitely fail, Feng Yan enrolls in ten elective courses, she is handsome, cool and inspirational, and she will definitely pass all of them.

Is there anyone who looks at people through colored glasses?

However, it can also be seen from this point that Feng Rogue's popularity in the school is not generally high.

Soon, a person suddenly said: "I think Xia Ruo is going to be unlucky!"

"Why? Do you mean that Xia Ruo will be more embarrassed if she fails the exam because of the male god comparison?"

"That's one point, and there's another question. Do you think that the male god is purely because Xia Ruo doesn't like it, so he deliberately reported ten subjects."

The other nine subjects are still in the past, but they even apply for classical music. This is not like the style of being a school bully.

"Don't tell me we haven't thought of it yet, but now that I'm talking about it, I feel the same way. This time Xia Ruo and Feng Shao tied for first place, he should be unhappy!"

"That's right! Young Master Feng must have found Xia Ruo not pleasing to the eye, so he deliberately confronted her."

"It's a good show. The consequences of the male god's anger are very serious. I don't know if Xia Ruo can stand it!"

"There's nothing I can do if I can't stand it, who made her upset the male god!"

"In short, when Feng Shao returns to school, Xia Ruo is going to be in trouble!"

"He doesn't know how to hit a woman?"

"You're thinking too much, how could our male god be so handsome, how could he hit a woman? At most, Xia Ruo felt ashamed because of elective courses!"

"Yes, my male god is very graceful!"

"..." Xia Ruo was speechless, these people's brain power is not ordinary.

It's also a good thing that she signed up before she was sealed as a rogue, otherwise she would definitely be turned into a toad by these people who wanted to eat swan meat, and deliberately followed up so much to attract the attention of their male gods.

Then Xia Ruo went to look at the forum, and it was also full of praise and admiration for Feng Rogue, and a small number of people gloated that she might be unlucky to be repaired by Feng Yan.

No one made a post to place Feng Yan's bet. First, there are many people who blindly have confidence in him. Second, they are afraid of his background and strength, so they dare not bet on him.

But that's pretty good, if these people are so optimistic about her, how can she make a fortune in silence, 2,500 credits can be exchanged for a lot of good things.

Xia Ruo also found out that there was another bet of twenty-five cents on the column where she was betting that she could pass all the levels. She didn't even need to think about it, she could guess that it must be that guy!

Happy Children's Day~~~ Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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