After exiting the terminal, Xia Ruo ate dessert while drinking watermelon juice.

Shui Yini also found out that someone bet 25 cents on Xia Ruo, "Ruoruo, someone bet on you again, and I don't know who it is!"

Xia Ruo smiled: "You also have more confidence in me to pass all the customs."

Shui Yini laughed: "You are right if you have this confidence!"

Then he picked up the watermelon juice and took a sip, and was immediately shocked, "Wow, this watermelon juice is delicious!"

After taking two sips, he went to eat dessert again, and then showed a look of enjoyment, "Dessert is also super delicious!"

"Ruo Ruo, the ingredients you use are very good!" She then added, "Your cooking skills are also very 666!"

Hearing what she said, Luo Ning took a sip of the watermelon juice, tasted the desserts separately, and rarely showed a happy smile, "It tastes very good, this is the best watermelon juice I've ever had, the best Dessert!"

"Me too, me too!" Shui Yini raised her hand.

Xia Ruo didn't hide anything, "I run a farm by myself, and I like cooking more, so I attach great importance to ingredients!"

"Then won't we have good luck in the future?" Shui Yini said with a smile.

Xia Ruo chuckled: "No problem, from now on, as long as I cook or dessert, I will have your portion!"

There is not much difference between cooking for one person and cooking for three.

She really doesn't like to drink nutritional supplements. The food in the school cafeteria is okay once in a while, but it doesn't suit her appetite if she eats it often.

Shui Yini got up and hugged Xia Ruuo, "Ruoruo, you are so kind!"

Luo Ning's cold brows and eyes were stained with a smile, this time the roommates are really good.

The next day Xia Ruo went to class normally, and the eyes of the class saw her more complicated, but only a very small part was mixed with dislike or jealousy, and most of them were relatively normal.

Before leaving the school, most of the students are relatively innocent, and there are relatively few people with dark hearts.

From time to time in the past two days, classmates from the same department would take the initiative to say hello to Xia Ruo, and occasionally said a few words.

After class, Xia Ruo walked towards Jiang Zhi who was about to leave.

"Teacher, I have something I want to discuss with you!"

Jiang Zhi smiled and said, "Then go to my office and talk about it."

For Xia Ruo who had signed up for ten elective courses, he was shocked when he first saw it, but he didn't intend to stop it.

It's not easy for Xia Ruo to become cheerful and confident, let her go no matter whether she can pass or not in the end.

After entering the office, Jiang Zhi poured Xia Ruo a glass of water.

"What's the matter with you?"

Xia Ruo said straight to the point: "I am planning to open a supermarket in the virtual world recently. The location has been arranged, but there is no manpower. It happens that some students are worried about signing up for elective courses, so I want to post a part-time job in the logistics department." .”

Jiang Zhi was surprised again. As far as he knew, the relationship between Xia Ruo and Xia's family was not good. To be able to open a supermarket in the virtual world, aside from the financial problem, it needed some background.

Xia Ruo may not be as simple as she showed before!

"That's no problem, but they basically have classes during the day, so it might be a bit troublesome to work part-time!" He thought for a while and said truthfully.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "My supermarket is going to open at night and rest during the day, so I can just stagger the class time!"

Purchase at night and deliver early the next morning, she plans to arrange this.

"It would be nice if that's the case!"

Jiang Zhi continued: "It's rare for you to have this kind of heart!"

Xia Ruo can go outside to recruit or use robots, but he can still think of students from the logistics department, which makes him very relieved.

Continue at 11:30~~

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