Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 196: Stinky Rascal!

Feng Yan saw that Xia Ruo didn't have a bad face, so he asked her to explain.

"what is going on?"

Xia Ruo lowered her head to deal with the ingredients again, "It is said on the school website and the forum that I will enroll in ten elective courses, and you will also enroll in ten. Deliberately aiming at wanting to fix me, and saying that it will make me feel ashamed when the time comes, of course I will be unlucky!"

Feng Yan has black lines all over his head, are those people sick? Then it will fill your brain...

"They really know how to talk nonsense, I'll clarify it in a while!" He just wanted to take classes with Xia Ruo on a whim, but it turned into wanting to fix her. This is the most absurd thing he has experienced recently.

Xia Ruo shook her head, "The one who cleans up is cleared up. If you try to explain it, you will stir up this topic again!"

"Then what should we do?" Feng Yan couldn't hold back his breath, he looked at Xia Ruo cautiously, "Aren't you angry?"

Xia Ruo chuckled: "Why should I be angry!"

She raised her eyebrows sideways, "If you dare to fix me, I'm not a vegetarian either!"

Feng Yan felt innocent, "That has nothing to do with me, but let them slander us so much?"

"Wouldn't it be clear when you come back? The more you take them seriously, the more they jump around!" Xia Ruo said nonchalantly.

At the beginning, someone may have said it casually, but after that, it was really rhythmic!

Xia Ruo doesn't like to explain anything, she prefers to speak with facts or actions.

Seeing that she wasn't angry, Feng Yan breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he would almost have been tricked by those bastards, "That's right, I'll let them see how good our relationship is when I get back, and there's no such thing as repairs!"

He changed the topic and said: "But there is a problem, I have to say hello to you first."

Xia Ruo asked: "What?"

"Of the ten elective courses, I am good at or can handle five or six of them, and the rest are not very interesting, so you have to make up lessons with me, and you can't let me fail!" Feng Yan replied.

Xia Ruo had black lines all over her head, "I didn't ask you to report so much!"

Feng Yan said as it should: "We are all number one. If you apply for ten courses and I don't apply, it would be a shame. How can I mess around in school?"

"I don't care, anyway, you have to ensure that I can pass all levels!"

Xia Ruo wanted to smear him with the ingredients in his hands, "You made this yourself, I don't bother with you!"

Feng Yan said rascally: "How can you do this? I followed suit and reported to you, anyway, you can't leave me alone!"

If Xia Ruo passed all the tests, it would be embarrassing for him to fail a few subjects!

"Smelly rascal!" Xia Ruo was convinced by his righteousness.

This guy is completely stinky and shameless. I don't know if those people in the school will continue to regard him as a male god after seeing him like this.

Feng Yan rubbed his nose, "Then it's settled!"

Xia Ruo knew that this guy was invincible when he was so stubborn, so he thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible to help you with tutoring, but you have to pay the tuition fee!"

Feng Yan asked: "Pay tuition? Then what do you want?"

Then he joked: "Why don't I pay off the debt with my own body, I'm very valuable!"

Xia Ruo wanted to kick him, "In addition to eating and asking for more, if you want to pay off the debt with your body, then it is all about finding an ancestor to come back to serve you! I don't want it!"

"You should prepare tens of thousands of energy stones for me, and I will definitely help you pass all the tutoring when I am happy!" Xia Ruo said with her lips curled up.

Feng Yan said with an angry smile: "You have a good idea! There are still tens of thousands of energy stones, why don't you just grab them!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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