Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 197 Completely Sever Relationship

Xia Ruo cooked three dishes and one soup for Feng Yan as quickly as possible, and after he finished eating quickly, he went offline to perform the task.

Back in the real world, Xia Ruo received a message from my sister-in-law's barrister friend that the divorce document had been justly completed and started to take effect.

Xia Ruo immediately went to the official website to announce that she would leave the Xia family starting today, and completely cut ties with the members of the Xia family, and would no longer have any involvement in the future.

That document was also published by her.

Her supermarket and private restaurant will open soon, and she will also work as a consultant in Feng Yi's company. If she doesn't leave Xia's house, the other party will be a brown candy that she can't get rid of in the future.

As soon as this news was announced, it attracted the attention of many people.

Old man Xia was so angry that he was half dead when he found out. It's a shame that this dead girl actually published the document of separation!

Xia Xuhong was also very upset, this meant that Xia Ruo was completely out of their control, how could it work?

However, it is legal and effective to sever the relationship after justice, and they can't do anything about it.

Mr. Xia called Xia Ruo immediately, but found that his terminal number was blocked by the other party, and he was even more angry.

"Unfilial sons and grandchildren are simply unfilial sons and grandchildren!" He kept patting the table angrily.

Fei Shufen, who was sitting not far away, covered her raised lips with a veil. The angrier the old man was, the more comfortable she looked at her.

Recently, Xia Ruo wanted to come to see her, but she refused, and finally broke away from the relationship. She didn't want her granddaughter to get involved with this group of blood-sucking insects again because of her.

Xia Xuhong also tried to contact Xia Ruo, but the terminal number of the owner of the same big house had been blocked by the other party, so he couldn't get angry.

After the family who knew Xia Ruo knew about this incident, they sighed in their hearts that she was very courageous, and at the same time lit a candle for the Xia family. The real treasure is not necessary, but if they insist on holding the illegitimate child's family, Mr. Xia will definitely regret it.

Of course, some people said that Xia Ruo went too far and broke away from the family on her own initiative. This is unfilial, etc., but there were no waves.

But most people think it's normal, after all, it's not like everyone doesn't know about the Xia family.

Mr. Xia favored his illegitimate son and let him take the position of Patriarch. Nine times out of ten, Xia Ruo, the orphan left behind by his second son, would not be so kind to Xia Ruo, otherwise she would not be so decisive.

Jiang Zhi's speed was very fast, and the recruitment information was quickly sent to the logistics department.

The students who had been unable to register for elective courses due to poor economic conditions were all excited. The salary was really good, so many people signed up.

Jiang Zhi selected another 20 people from these lists and sent them to Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo didn't know much about the students in the logistics department, so she met twenty of them alone.

They were not surprised to see that the recruited supermarket owner was Xia Ruo, obviously Jiang Zhi had already said it before.

In fact, there were still a few people who were suitable, but when they heard that the boss was Xia Ruo, they didn't know whether it was out of pride or they gave up on their own initiative.

Such employees are not what Xia Ruo needs.

Walking to the classroom arranged by Jiang Zhi, Xia Ruo asked some questions to each of the 20 people, and found that they really wanted to work hard and make money, so they decided temporarily.

"The supermarket will open next week. There is no hard and fast rule on the daily business hours. It should not exceed 2 o'clock in the morning until the supermarket sells out the ingredients on the day!"

"No problem, we can do it later." Twenty people felt that with such a high salary, it would be okay to be a little bit lucky.

I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood and irritable because of some things today, and I don't feel anything when writing, so I procrastinate until now to write one, and I have to go out in the afternoon, I will adjust it, and continue at the remaining 20 o'clock~~Yes Yes, I heard that the system is being upgraded in the past few days, so I can't comment or leave a message. Maybe it will be fine in two or three days, okay~~~

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