Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2002 Surely Not Simple

After hearing the conversation between Feng Wei and Qin Zhe, other people also asked Feng Wei.

"What about us?"

"Zhuang Yi's mental strength is B-level, his physical fitness is C-level, and the rest of you are C-level."

"But it doesn't matter. After taking the genetic modification liquid, they can be promoted to B." Although C-level talent is not very good on their side, it is considered very good in this life star.

So overall, her teammates are not bad in talent.

Zhuang Yi smiled and asked: "If I take the genetic modification liquid, will my mental power be raised to a?"

"Well, as long as there are no accidents or physical limitations, the talent can be upgraded by one level after taking it." Feng Wei nodded.

"I'm very satisfied with my spiritual power. It will be even more perfect if I can improve it by one level." Zhuang Yi smiled deeply.

"Beautiful Feng, please explain to us what the level of genetic talent is." Actually, they don't know much about it yet.

Feng Wei also briefly introduced the genetic talent level to them, as well as its benefits and how to best utilize it.

After listening to it, everyone understood and felt as if a door to a new world had opened to them.

"Did you make the genetic research solution?" After Zhuang Yi finished asking, he said, "Of course, if it's inconvenient, just pretend I didn't ask."

Feng Wei smiled: "I didn't make it out, I have no achievements in medicine, it was given to me by an expert who taught me things."

Now is not the time to reveal that she is from an alien field, and they may not believe it.

"You are so lucky to have met such an awesome expert." Everyone couldn't help sighing.

Feng Wei is already so good, it is so good to teach her to be such a person.

Feng Wei smiled proudly and said, "Of course."

Most of what she knows is taught by her parents and other relatives, and they are the most powerful.

"We are also very lucky to have a teammate like Feng Damei." Zong Ze is not only thick-skinned but also good at talking.

"That's right, we're also very lucky." A group of people really felt this way. Beauty Feng is not only amazing, but also knows a lot. The time together has really benefited them a lot.

They have never heard of her so-called genetic modification liquid. Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to be researched by the Kyoto base or other forces, and it is impossible for the Guwu family.

Otherwise, it has to be hidden, or if it is revealed, it will definitely shock the world.

This also shows that Feng Wei's identity is definitely not simple.

In fact, they all had some suspicions that Feng Wei's identity might not be the daughter of the upstart, but they didn't investigate too much.

To them, it doesn't matter who she is, anyway, it's enough that she is their unique beauty now.

Everyone sat and chatted while waiting for Xi Ye.

After about two hours, a dark spot of light and shadow appeared in front of him, coming from far and near.

"They're here." Zong Ze sat up straight.

Soon, a spot of light landed in front of the off-road vehicle, and it turned out to be Xi Ye, who was also carrying a comatose boy who looked twelve or thirteen years old.

"Are you injured?" Ji Ziyi smelled a faint smell of blood.

"It's okay, I got a little injury before, and I took care of it myself."

Xi Ye continued: "There are people with supernatural powers ambushing in the hospital, but fortunately everything is going well, let's go quickly, otherwise we are afraid that they will come after us."

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