Xi Ye quickly got into the car with his brother on his back, and Zong Ze drove away, taking a detour from another county town before getting on the expressway.

Not long after they left, a dozen cars drove up to the previous location, and several mutated police dogs jumped down from above and sniffed everywhere.

Then Qiqi barked in several directions, which meant that they couldn't tell where Xi Ye had gone. .

"Let them run away." One person reached out and patted the steering wheel.

They have been looking for Feng Wei and others for the past two days, but there is no news, and they have not returned to the base at all.

I heard that Xi Ye was rescued by Zong Ze before, so when he returned to the base, they all followed him.

Later, he wanted to arrest Xi Ye to find the whereabouts of Feng Wei and the others, but who knew that he ran away, and secretly carried away the young man who could be used as their hostage in the hospital.

The other person sighed: "No one thought that Xi Ye was hiding so deeply. He was actually a light-type superpower. His escape speed was no slower than wind-type and flying-type superpowers."

"There are wheel marks on the ground. In all likelihood, Xi Ye was picked up by Zong Ze and the others. It seems that he has joined Feng Wei's supernatural team."

"Go back and report first, and see if we can use the satellite system to search for their whereabouts." The person who patted the steering wheel said humanely.


In addition to the high-level personnel of the base who are looking for Feng Wei's team, other teams of supernatural beings are also looking for it.

Knowing that so many people chased Xi Ye away, many people secretly scolded the base for being useless.

Xi Ye's cousin and a few other teammates escaped a catastrophe last time, and they also fled back to the base after the captain died.

They were startled when they learned that Xi Ye was still alive, and gloated when they heard that everyone was chasing him.

Now that they heard that the man ran away again, they scolded secretly the most fiercely, even scolding Xi Ye together, and the man's light ability was even hidden from them.

In fact, what they are most afraid of is that Xi Ye will come back for revenge in the future.

The Dongshi base contacted the Kyoto base and applied for the use of the satellite inspection system. It just so happened that the satellite positioning that scanned the ore before was still there, so a carpet sweep began.

Although Feng Wei and the others' car had changed, the people in the car were still scanned and locked by the satellite, and their location was transmitted to them.

The top management at the Dongshi base asked senior analysts to come over for research, and finally analyzed that Feng Wei and the others had a high probability that their target was the Academy of Sciences.

So they sent a team from the base without hesitation. Since Feng Wei had an army of mutated beasts and mutated plants, they sent over 300 people this time, including more than 100 people with supernatural powers and more than 200 people with relatively strong abilities. Prominent soldier.

After the team of supernatural beings at the base knew about it, those who had the guts to fish in troubled waters or watch the excitement followed closely with the team sent by the base.

On the other side, Zong Ze drove directly to the Academy of Sciences.

When they arrived at the gully outside the Academy of Sciences, they saw a car parked nearby, and several people in Tang suits were carrying something to explore nearby.

The appearance of Feng Wei and the others also attracted the attention of several people.

The car stopped by the ravine, Feng Wei and the others got out of the car.

Those people all looked at them and immediately confirmed their identities.

Zhuang Yi looked at the few people in surprise, "Are you from the Bu family?"

He has done a lot of research on the Guwu family, and as far as he knows, people in the Bu family like to wear gossip on their clothing and accessories.

These people have gossip patterns on their bodies, and there is also a handsome and unparalleled young man in a white Tang suit who looks like an orchid and jade tree, with a palm-sized gossip hanging on his waist.

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