Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2035 I'm afraid it won't be that easy

Not only the people and teams of supernatural beings sent by the five major bases, but also the dark organization and the ancient samurai family also sent people to the Academy of Sciences to prepare for joint operations.

After the senior officials of the three major families found out, they all secretly scolded these people for being shameless. They are usually not so active, and when they see something fishy, ​​they come out.

But there is no way, they can't stop others from going, they can intimidate and lure the team of supernatural beings, but they can only take precautions against the dark organization and the ancient samurai family.

The three families who originally had great conflicts had no choice but to put aside their prejudices and unite to the outside world.

Another day later, after they arrived at the Kyoto base, they drove towards the Academy of Sciences.

On the Academy of Sciences side, Hua Nuan made a construction plan for the city, and other people continued to supplement it according to their own ideas. The prototype of the city was gradually formed, and the construction started only after recruiting enough people.

Because there are a lot of solar power panels, the surveillance can also be used. Feng Wei asked Qin Zhe and others to install several surveillance cameras on the opposite bank and this side, to observe the situation outside from time to time.

Just after lunch that day, Qin Zhe, who was sitting in the monitoring room on duty, sounded the alarm.

Everyone left the meeting room one after another, it was agreed.

Qin Zhe saw everyone gathered together and said: "They are here. This time there are hundreds of vehicles. I can see that there are more than 2,000 people. There are thousands of people with supernatural powers, and there are thousands of soldiers who are not weak."

Feng Wei raised his eyebrows: "It's a day later than I expected, and their efficiency is not very good."

Qin Zhe asked: "What should we do? Shall we start fighting directly?"

Others also felt nervous and excited, they had never faced the base before, exciting!

Feng Wei said with a smile: "Go out first and see what they want to do. If they want to fight, we will accompany them at any time."

"Professor Tan, you continue to study, and we will solve it." She said to Professor Tan and other researchers.

Professor Tan and others are not good at this kind of thing, "Okay, if you need something, just call."

They also sincerely hope that Feng Wei and the others can settle things down, and they don't want to leave here at all.

After making arrangements, Feng Wei led the team out of the Academy of Sciences.

Qin Zhe hugged a chair and followed him out, and put it behind the gully on their side for Feng Wei to sit on.

Feng Wei was not polite either, and sat down on the chair with a full Queen fan.

Huo Xiaoliang stood on her left, and Zong Ze and others stood behind her, as if we were focusing on her.

The Huo family and the Zong family who just got off the bus on the other side saw this scene, their faces turned black.

Zuo Yu's eyes fell on Feng Wei's body, and he couldn't help showing a bit of surprise in his eyes.

As the heir of the Zuo family, he has seen all kinds of beauties and had many girlfriends, but this is the first time he has seen such a gorgeous woman.

Being outstanding and stunning is secondary, but the key point is that queenly aura, which makes people unable to help but feel a desire to conquer.

It would be a great sense of accomplishment if such a woman could be taken down and let her take care of herself in everything.

No wonder Huo Xiaoliang was fascinated, Zhuang Yi and Zong Ze also seemed to focus on Feng Wei, this woman was indeed very attractive, even he wanted to snatch her over.

Very well, it didn't come in vain this time.

Uncle Huo and Uncle Zong naturally also saw Feng Wei, and while being amazed, they also became more vigilant.

They still know Huo Xiaoliang and Zong Ze very well, and being able to make them and Zhuang Yi, the dealer's wanton man, look like she is the main one can only show one thing, this woman is not simple.

It seems that it may not be so easy to negotiate a peaceful settlement.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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