Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2036 Break it first

Feng Wei scanned around, seeing the expressions of everyone on the other side.

Among them, the look in the eyes of the handsome and suave young man displeased her very much.

Zuo Yu took the lead and said to Feng Wei with a smile: "Miss Feng, I'm Zuo Yu, please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

Feng Wei raised his eyebrows: "So many of you are here to find fault?"

Zuo Yu didn't expect that Feng Wei would not answer his words, "Miss Feng is worrying too much, we came here this time mainly to discuss cooperation with you."

"I don't have anything to cooperate with you, so you can invite me." Feng Wei didn't like him.

Zuo Yu frowned, there was no woman who would lower her face like this before, "Miss Feng, we haven't talked about cooperating yet."

Feng Wei sneered and said, "It's all about the genetic modification fluid, don't take me for a fool."

Uncle Zong's family couldn't help but say: "Since Miss Feng knows our reason for coming, she should know the consequences if we can't cooperate peacefully, right?"

Before Feng Wei could answer, Zong Ze took the lead and said, "Could it be that you still want to take by force? Is this how your clan handles things?"

Uncle Zong choked, it was the first time for him to be contradicted by Zong Ze, and he said in a displeased cold voice: "Zong Ze, don't forget your last name."

"Don't forget that I have announced my departure from the family a long time ago, and I have nothing to do with your family. You don't need to threaten me with this. I'm not too scared." Zong Ze rolled his eyes and said.

"You." Uncle Zong really wanted to slap him in the face, this kid became more and more outrageous, "I'm talking to Miss Feng, it's none of your business."

If it wasn't for this kid staying beside Feng Wei and the others, otherwise he would have to take him back and take care of him.

But this time, if it is taken here, it can be achieved.

Feng Wei smiled: "Everyone in our team is equal, what Zong Ze means is also what I mean."

"I know what you guys are thinking. You want the formula for the genetic modification fluid, or all the potions in my hand, right?" She didn't bother to go around in circles with the other party.

These people brought so many people here, apart from wanting to use a deterrent method, they must also have the idea of ​​being tough if they can't do it.

She wanted to do things like robbers, and wanted to erase this bad reputation, so she refused to let them do so, so she broke it first.

Uncle Zong and the others didn't expect Feng Wei to be so shameless and difficult, and to see it so thoroughly.

Now that it has been broken, there is no point in hiding it.

But Uncle Zong and Erbo Huo didn't speak, but waited for Zuo Yu to come up.

Zuo Yu secretly scolded the two of them for being nothing, but still took the lead, "Since Miss Feng knows, what is your choice?"

"If you agree to come up with the formula of the genetic modification fluid, or take out the potion in your hand, we will definitely not treat you badly here, just ask for whatever you want, as long as we can do it well, we will try our best to satisfy you." He added another sentence, throwing out the benefits.

Feng Wei shook his head: "To be honest, I don't like the things in your hands. As for crystal nuclei and so on, we can do it ourselves, so there is really no good deal between me and you."

She is not going to exchange the genetic modification fluid with these people. After all, she has limited hands, and it is simply not enough for these people to share. Human ambition is a bottomless pit.

What's more, she still has to use this thing to attract people to build the city, so that they won't be cheap.

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