Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2037 Who is this looking down on?

Feng Wei's words made Zuo Yu and the others' complexions darken, this woman really didn't know what to say.

Zuo Yu narrowed his eyes, "Miss Feng, are you trying to force us to use force?"

Feng Wei said with a smile: "What do you mean I forced you to use force? Obviously you want to grab it, don't throw the blame on me, we won't take it."

Then he said domineeringly: "And if you want to start a war, you can start it. Like Zong Ze said, we didn't scare you too much. You can do whatever you like."

She added: "Just don't delay too much, we're still waiting to go to dinner."

Zuo Yu and the others looked at her as if you want to hurry up when you want to start a war, and couldn't help but get a little angry. Who are you looking down on?

Isn't going to dinner as important as going to war?

Uncle Huo couldn't help standing up now, but he didn't speak to Feng Wei, but looked at Huo Xiaoliang and said, "A Xiao, do you think so too?"

After taking a nap at noon, Huo Xiaoliang's first personality, who knew that something big was coming, took control of his body.

But even though he has returned to normal, he still chose to stand by Feng Wei's side, "Second Uncle, the medicine was given by Teacher Feng Wei, and it's also hers. If she wants to trade it, she can trade it. If she doesn't want you to grab it, it can't be justified, right? "

"..." Erbo Huo also had the same feeling as Uncle Zong at this time, this brat deserves a beating too much.

Zuo Yu snorted coldly: "Huo Xiaoliang, don't forget your identity."

"Besides, we don't want the genetic modification liquid for our own selfish desires, but we want to take it back and research it, so that more people can use it to improve their strength, so that we can better survive in the last days and fight against and eliminate zombies together." He said. Throw out righteousness.

Huo Xiao looked at him indifferently, "Feng Wei doesn't have the formula for the genetic modification liquid, she has asked Professor Tan to study it carefully, if there is any result, we will naturally share it with everyone, but now not the right time yet."

"As for the genetic modification liquid in her hand, don't worry about it, she doesn't have much in her hand, and we will use it to reward outstanding performers when building the city." Incidentally, he advertised.

Hearing this, some members of the ability team had some small thoughts.

Huo Erbo was taken aback by Huo Xiao, "You are the heir of the Huo family, it's not your turn to stand up for them here."

Huo Xiao sneered: "I'm sorry, Uncle, I joined this team a long time ago, so I am also one of them. This is our own base camp, and I also have the responsibility to protect it."

The implication is clear that he will fight to defend his turf.

"Professor Tan's manpower is limited, why don't you hand over the genetic modification liquid, we take it back to the base in Kyoto for research, the chance of success is even greater, after all, there are more experts in this field in Kyoto, and the instruments are more advanced."

Huo Erbo continued: "With the results, I can still share them with you, and publish them for more people to use."

Although they have some selfish intentions, it is more suitable for them to control things that are beneficial to the country. When large quantities can be produced, they will provide them to more people.

Feng Wei shrugged, "You can't research it if you take it. Although I don't have the formula in my hand, I can give you a lot of opinions, so you should give up on this."

"Feng Wei, do you really want to toast and not eat fine wine?" Zuo Yu's patience was almost exhausted.

This was the first time he had encountered such a thorn in his face. It was too senseless to struggle needlessly when there was such a huge disparity in the number of them.

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