Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2051 Completely Famous

The three of them were not reconciled, but they were really helpless.

I have used all the methods that can be used, and now out of more than 2,000 people, more than 1,000 have been injured, how can I fight? Just go back to base.

So a group of people left the base arrogantly, but went back in a panic, which shocked all the bases.

No one expected that they would be defeated so quickly and so embarrassingly. It is said that Feng Wei did not kill, otherwise only a few hundred of the more than 2,000 people would come back alive.

Many people can't figure out why there is such a result. After all, the supernatural beings and missile weapons brought by the three major bases, not to mention dealing with a team of less than ten people, wiped out a medium-sized survivor base It's all easy.

Now, he was beaten back in a shambles without even touching his territory, which is too unscientific and too unbelievable.

Zong Ze and others naturally want to throw the blame away.

Therefore, Feng Wei was able to transform a cannon against missiles; possesses superb formation skills; can draw symbols to restrain the spells of the Mei family; tamed level 5 mutant plants and level 5 mutant beasts, and led a team of very strong mutant boys. The word got out.

What they said was also the truth, otherwise how could they lose so embarrassingly.

The name Feng Wei has also become well-known in the major survivor bases in China. Everyone knows that she is versatile and her own strength is still very strong. The most important thing is that she has a mutant army, which is quite impressive.

Even the news that Feng Wei has the soil and seeds that can grow normal ingredients was spread, and many people felt a sense of curiosity and admiration for her.

Feng Wei's team is the first in the country to be able to make the five major bases join forces to attack and win back the victory.

It was only a unit sent by the military to attack the Diablo organization before, so the gimmick of the record is still not as high as that of Feng Wei and the others.

As Feng Wei predicted before, they completely became famous in the first battle and used the five bases to establish their prestige.

Everyone at the Academy of Sciences rested for the night, and Zong Ze and Zhuang Yi shared the news the next day.

"Now that we are well-known in various survivor bases, shouldn't we make good use of this reputation to recruit troops?" Zong Ze looked excited.

He felt that building a city by himself was more fulfilling than being the heir of the Zong family.

Huo Xiaoliang was still retreating, Qin Zhe said: "We have a group of brothers here, who will come from all directions, there are about a thousand people."

"Beautiful Feng, how do you plan to arrange it? They are all people who have been carefully selected by the boss, and it is absolutely no problem to bear hardships and stand hard work." He looked at Feng Wei again and asked.

Feng Wei shrugged, "I don't care about this, I will leave the arrangement of personnel and city construction to Xi Ye, I believe he can manage it well."

Everyone knows that this woman wants to hide from her laziness.

Xi Ye smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, when someone comes, I'll make arrangements."

His current task is somewhat similar to that of a general manager. For him who once managed a large group company, it is not too difficult.

Feng Wei had a lot of trust in Xi Ye's ability. She thought of another aspect, so she asked a few people: "Can you contact people from other bases?"

Zong Ze and the others nodded: "We can get in touch, what are you going to do?"

"You contact the people you know in the major bases, and go to the mission management office to release the task of building the city. Those who are willing to come to our place will be paid with food and accommodation. Those who do outstanding work can be rewarded with a bottle of genetic modification liquid."

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